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20 Best Task Management Software Reviewed for 2024

Rachel Hakoune 21 min read
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Task management software is more than a digital base for your to-do lists. It’s a collaborative space where your teams can come together and understand their role in shared workloads.

This guide walks through the features you should look for in team task management software and 20 vendor examples to kickstart your research for the perfect tool.

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What is team task management?

Task management is the systematic process of planning, organizing, assigning, tracking, and completing tasks to meet your business objectives. Each task is a single unit of work that individual team members are responsible for completing. Managing these overall tasks involves coordinating team members’ efforts, setting priorities, and monitoring task progress to ensure efficient collaboration, streamlined workflows, and successful project outcomes.

Task management

Why do teams need task management software?

The right task management software will move your team away from endless email chains and focus on the necessary tasks to keep your work and projects flowing. From here, it’s easy for teams to work together efficiently and identify potential issues such as bottlenecks or imbalanced workloads.

What features should task management software have?

When researching team task management software, you’ll notice that platforms have a wide range of features, and some will share common functionality. Before you invest, check your preferred tool is equipped with the following:

  • Multiple views: Visualize your tasks using common views like Calendar, Kanban, List, or countless alternatives. For example, monday work management offers 15+ options, including Gantt Charts, which visually display task milestones and dependencies between items for a clear overview of your work.
  • Intuitive interface: Ensure your team easily adapts to any new task management tool.
  • Range of integrations: Connect your task management software with multiple other tools in your tech stack to prevent tool-hopping.
  • Custom automations: Simplify repetitive workflows by setting up automations that run in the background. For example, an automation could email the entire team when someone completes their task.
  • Ability to set subtasks and dependencies: Break tasks down into smaller chunks called subtasks and specify the order they must occur by making some tasks dependent on the next. For example, editing a blog post would depend on someone writing the first draft.

Now you know the features and functionality you’re looking for in a quality task management software, here are twenty solutions to compare when researching the right platform for your team.

1. monday work management

Best for: Any size of team that wants to reach shared goals faster and at scale.

monday work management is a feature-rich work management platform built on top of the Work OS.

Work management

Companies use our platform to plan and organize any type of workflow or project, with task management being a key collaboration feature. monday work management offers the following features:

  • 15+ board views, including the Workload View delivering visibility into team member capacity. This visibility is essential for task assignment as project leads and managers have clarity about what each team member is available to work on.
  • Customizable dashboards using 10+ drag-and-drop widgets to display high-level project data. You can see to-do lists, team goals, and task reports at-a-glance and in real time.
  • Automations to eliminate repetitive tasks from your workflow, like updating team members with email or Slack notifications when each task is complete. This enables peers to review the work, or move on with their task at the next stage of the project.
  • Recurring tasks are another automation you can set up. For example, schedule regular team meetings to keep on top of your projects, or set up recurring requests for weekly project reports.
  • Integrations with the tools you already know and love, so you can run powerful projects without switching tabs. For example, you might integrate monday work management with Google Drive to attach docs to your tasks or Slack to update a team channel following completion.
  • Time tracking to ensure your team spends its time efficiently. Use the data to accurately forecast how long your team might need to allocate to specific tasks, or to bill clients accordingly.

monday work management pricing

monday work management offers five different price plans:

  • Free: $0 for up to 2 users: 20+ column types, 200+ templates, iOS & Android apps, whiteboard collaboration, shareable forms, and more
  • Basic: $27/month/3 users with annual billing: Unlimited users, 5GB storage, unlimited boards/docs, custom fields, unlimited free viewers, and more
  • Standard: $36/month/3 users with annual billing: Unlimited users, 20GB storage, 6-month activity log, integrations, guest access, and more
  • Pro: $57/month/3 users with annual billing: Unlimited users, 100GB storage, 1-year activity log, time tracking, workload management, and more
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing, 5-year activity log, up to 50 boards, dedicated customer success manager, enhanced admin controls, and analytics

More details on pricing here

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2. Asana

Best for: Teams seeking simple task and project management with clear communication capabilities.

Asana is a task management software offering a simple interface for tracking your team projects’ various sections, tasks, and subtasks.

A screenshot of task management in Asana.

Key features

  • Customizable views, such as the Timeline view to gain visibility into upcoming deadlines or the Workload view to understand team member capacity.
  • Task celebrations which occur when you check the task completion box.
  • Integrations with 200+ tools in your tech stack, allowing you to automate tasks between them. For example, you might create a new Google Drive folder for each new task you add in Asana.
  • Weekly focus mode, which allows you to capture your top priorities for the week ahead.

Asana pricing

  • Free: Up to 15 users
  • Premium: Starting at $10.99/user/mo
  • Business: Starting at $24.99/user/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing, includes Business plan features, custom branding, data export, and 24/7 support

Related: Asana alternatives, Asana pricing, Asana work management

3. Wrike

Best for: Cross-functional teams aiming to streamline workflows and communication.

Wrike is a project management software you can use to assign tasks to team members, upload files, set deadlines, and track progress. One of Wrike’s strengths is supporting cross-collaborative teams from a central platform.

Wrike board

Key features

  • Multiple dashboard views to gain insights into task statuses.
  • Real-time collaboration, including commenting and file sharing from a central location.
  • Customizable pre-built templates designed for marketing, IT & engineering teams, etc.

Wrike pricing

  • Free: Suitable for teams up to five people
  • Team: From $9.80 per user/mo for teams of 2-25 people
  • Business: From $24.80 per user/mo for teams up to 200 people
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing is available for companies who require features like user audit reports and custom access roles.
  • Pinnacle: Additional enterprise features include advanced reporting, budgeting, and billable hours tools.

Related: Wrike pricing

4. Jira

Best for: Agile software development teams focused on issue tracking and project planning.

Jira is an Atlassian product created for software developers who follow Agile project management principles.

Jira board

Key features

  • Interactive timelines, including mapping work items, task dependencies, and new releases.
  • Reports and insights tied to your tasks and overall projects to understand metrics like deployment frequency and cycle time.
  • Autonomy preferences allow you to decide whether your projects are company or team-managed.

Jira pricing

  • Free: For up to 10 users
  • Standard: From $7.75 per user/mo
  • Premium: From $15.25 per user/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for unlimited sites, central security controls, user subscriptions, 24/7 Enterprise support.

Related: Jira pricing, Jira work management

5. Trello

Best for: Visual thinkers and small teams managing tasks with a simple, card-based interface.

Trello uses a Kanban-style methodology for task management which will appeal to teams who like to visualize all the projects they have on the go and the specific tasks they need to complete.

Trello board

Key features

  • Boards, lists, and cards, where boards represent projects, lists are each project stage, and cards are for individual tasks. Users move cards between lists once they’ve completed them to indicate they’re ready for the next project stage
  • Multi-device compatibility, including availability on your browser and mobile devices, even when you’re offline
  • Collaboration, including commenting or tagging teammates on specific cards and adding relevant attachments

Trello pricing

  • Free: For up to 10 boards
  • Standard: Starting at $5/user/mo
  • Premium: Starting at $10/user/mo
  • Enterprise: Starting at $17.50/user/mo for larger organizations requiring advanced security and controls.

Related: Trello pricing, Trello vs.

6. Basecamp

Best for: Startups and small teams looking to centralize project communication and tasks.

Basecamp offers a way to set up a single page to house everything you need for each project.

Key features

  • Project scheduling tool which displays your deadlines, milestones, dated to-dos, and relevant events.
  • Campfire conversations which act as Basecamp’s in-built group chat tool.
  • Doors that are integrations to external tools like Slack, Airtable, Google Drive, Miro, etc.

Basecamp pricing

  • Basecamp: $15 per user/month
  • Basecamp Pro Unlimited: Starting from $299/month for unlimited users

Related: Basecamp alternatives

7. Evernote Teams

Best for: Creative teams requiring note-taking and information sharing in a digital workspace.

Evernote Teams is a collaborative workspace for note-taking, brainstorming, or hosting a company wiki. 

Key features

  • Real-time collaboration, including the ability to edit notes simultaneously. 
  • Task assignments, with functionality such as delegations and reminders. 
  • Searchable document repository to find the right note based on its title, keywords, content type, or dates. 

Evernote Teams pricing

  • Professional: From $17.99 per user/mo

Teams: From $20.83 per user/mo

8. Airtable

Best for: Data-driven teams wanting a flexible database and project management solution.

Airtable is a no-code database platform designed to help teams manage projects and store data.

Key features

  • Spreadsheet view with a drag-and-drop function to manipulate your data layout.
  • Multiple views, including Kanban, Gantt, List, and Calendar.
  • Rich media support, including the ability to attach videos, images, and audio files to your tasks.

Airtable pricing

  • Free: Designed for individuals or small teams
  • Plus: Starting at $10/seat/mo
  • Pro: Starting at $20/seat/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for larger teams requiring features like unlimited workspaces, extensions, and Salesforce & Jira on-prem sync integrations.

Related: Airtable pricing, Airtable vs.

9. Smartsheet

Best for: Teams involved in business operations requiring access to dynamic spreadsheet capabilities.

Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-like project management platform designed to help teams manage work, automate repetitive tasks, and collaborate on documents.

Key features

  • Multiple data views, including Grid, Chart, Gantt, and Calendar.
  • Pre-built templates for tasks like planning and budget goals which you can customize to fit your requirements.
  • Customizable forms to collect insights and data from internal or stakeholders.

Smartsheet pricing

There are four Smartsheet pricing options:

  • Free: Suitable for individuals
  • Pro: Starting at $7/user/mo
  • Business: Starting at $25/user/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing is available for large teams, with access to Smartsheet Advance offerings.

Related: Smartsheet project management

10. HubSpot

Best for: Sales and marketing teams that need to track leads and manage customer relationships.

HubSpot isn’t a traditional task management software. However, it does offer the ability to add tasks within the CRM platform.

Key features

  • To-do list prioritization for scheduling tasks related to your customer base
  • Task dashboards which act as a base for your tasks, contact details, and meetings
  • Embedded reporting, including past task tracking of closed deals, calls made, and activities completed

HubSpot pricing

  • Free: $0 for marketing, sales, service, CMS, and operations tools
  • Starter: From $30 per month
  • Professional: From $1,600 per month
  • Enterprise: From $5,000 per month

11. Todoist

Best for: Small teams focused on a holistic approach to collaborative task management.

Todoist is a simple task management app that enables teams to manage tasks, projects, and collaboration in one place.

Key features

  • Task assignments including the ability to create projects, add tasks, set due dates, and assign responsibility.
  • Messaging functionality which allows team members to share files, discuss details and provide updates.
  • Task filtering so users can see each other’s activity streams or upcoming due dates.

Todoist pricing

  • Starter Plan: For up to 5 active projects.
  • Business Plan: From $6 per member/mo

12. MeisterTask

Best for: Creative teams seeking intuitive project planning and visual workflows.

MeisterTask is another Kanban-style task management tool that gives teams a clear overview of their to-do lists.

Key features

  • Agendas which are private boards visible only to individual team members
  • Task watchers to keep relevant people in the loop about specific tasks
  • Task relationships allow you to tag whether tasks are related or duplicates

MeisterTask pricing

  • Basic: For up to three projects
  • Pro: $8.25 per user/mo
  • Business: $20.75 per user/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing is available for a dedicated account manager, personalized onboarding assistance, and SAML single sign-on.

13. Notion

Best for: Teams requiring knowledge-sharing and project management using a single platform.

Notion is an all-in-one workspace that uses custom blocks, including text, images, or tables, to store your notes, documents, and project tasks.

Key features

  • Task views allow you to filter by calendars, task lists, Gantt Charts, tables, and more
  • Template library with access to 5,000 customizable templates to suit your project tasks.
  • Integrations with tools like Loom or Slack so you can attach video messages or conversations to your tasks.

Notion pricing

  • Free: Small teams can try a limited block trial.
  • Plus: Starting from $8/user/mo
  • Business: Starting from $15/user/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing with advanced security features, among other benefits.

14. MS Project

Best for: Large enterprises managing complex projects with advanced scheduling.

Microsoft Project is a platform that allows you to manage large-scale projects from a central location.

Key features

  • Coauthoring tools which allow multiple stakeholders to update task lists and project schedules simultaneously.
  • Interactive roadmaps you can build to increase visibility across your organization.
  • Timesheet submissions for capturing time spent on tasks.

MS Project pricing

MS Project is available as part of the following cloud-based packages:

  • Project Plan 1: $10 per user/mo
  • Project Plan 3: $30 per user/mo
  • Project Plan 5: $55 per user/mo

15. Microsoft OneNote

Best for: Teams on a budget requiring collaborative note-taking and information organization.

Microsoft OneNote uses Notebooks as the highest level of organization within the platform, which includes sections and pages to store your notes and tasks.

Key features

  • Built-in OneNote templates for mapping out project lists
  • Task prioritization by adding High, Medium, or Low project tags
  • Handwriting compatibility using Surface or Surface Slim Pen 2 devices allows you to digitize your handwritten meeting notes and transform them into tasks

Microsoft OneNote pricing

OneNote is available with a Microsoft 365 subscription, which starts from $6 user/mo for a Business Basic package.

16. Adobe Workfront

Best for: Creative teams that need to manage projects, approvals, and digital assets.

Adobe Workfront is a cloud-based collaboration and project management solution that enables teams to track progress, tasks, resources, and budgets in one place.

Key features

  • Automated handoffs to simplify reviews and approval of work tasks.
  • Real-time dashboards that enable you to gain visibility of your work and address any bottlenecks.
  • Scenario planning tools to anticipate how incoming tasks will impact your team.

Adobe Workfront pricing

Adobe Workfront offers Select, Ultimate, Prime, and Custom pricing plans, but you must contact the vendor for an accurate quote.

17. Miro

Best for: Visual collaboration, brainstorming, and diagramming among remote teams.

Miro is a visual task management tool you can use as a digitized version of a whiteboard and sticky notes.

Key features

  • 2,000 Miro and community templates offering frameworks like mind maps and service blueprints.
  • Integrations with 130+ apps in your existing workflow, including Jira, Zoom, and Google Docs.
  • Flowchart maker to plot out the essential tasks in your project processes.

Miro pricing

  • Free: For unlimited team members.
  • Starter: From $8 per member/mo
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing for SCIM license management, enhanced security with 2FA, domain control, etc.

18. Hive

Best for: Teams looking for integrated project management and communication.

Hive is a productivity software that enables teams to manage upcoming tasks and collaborate on wider projects.

Key features

  • Six project layouts, including database and summary views
  • Meeting note task assignment enabling you to take action following team discussions
  • External user task assignment if you need to work with guest users like freelancers, clients, or third-party business partners

Hive pricing

  • Free: For up to 10 users
  • Teams: From $12 per user/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing available for enhanced security and permissions, custom analytics, etc.

19. SmartTask

Best for: Businesses seeking an all-in-one platform for task management and CRM.

SmartTask is a work management platform with tools to organize recurring or one-off tasks.

Key features

  • Task estimates for individual tasks if you need to budget or allocate resources.
  • Video meetings which you can trigger directly from tasks.
  • Automatic tasks are generated by sending your email communications directly to SmartTask.

SmartTask pricing

  • Free: For unlimited users
  • Premium: From $7.98 per user/mo
  • Business: From $10.98 per user/mo
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing available, including white labeling, SSO, Enterprise API, etc.


Best for: Teams requiring dynamic spreadsheets and project management capabilities. is a simple task management platform accessible from various desktop and mobile devices, including smartwatches.

Key features

  • Automated WhatsApp notifcations for deadline reminders.
  • Smart calendar view that displays all upcoming tasks in one place.
  • Task color-coding to categorize your work. pricing

  • Personal: For individual users
  • Premium: From $3 per month
  • Teams: From $5 per user/mo

monday work management: the perfect team task management software

There are all kinds of task management apps, tools, and software at our fingertips to make us more productive than ever before. monday work management stands out from the rest by making team task management easier, while also being adaptable for all functions related to executing tasks, projects, and processes more efficiently. Here’s how it excels:

  • You can set up your task management views including Kanban, calendar, Gantt chart, and task list options.
  • You can set rules for dynamic assignments, notifications upon task completion, and a lot more.
  • You can integrate with 72+ favorite tools to make a seamless workflow.
  • You can streamline communication with one place for comments, updates, and file sharing.
  • When you use monday work management as a project management software, you can get a ton of insights into the success and profitability of your project tasks with dedicated and customizable dashboards.
  • You can build custom workflows with no-code building blocks and choose from over 200 automation recipe options that make your team task planning so much more efficient.

Since monday work management is built on a Work OS, it’s an all-in-one platform for everything your business needs, and can grow and scale along with it. You can use as a CRM for the sales team, create processes and workflows for marketing content, onboard new employees, and manage IT requests.

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Task management software is used to organize teams' workflows and projects by assigning tasks and tracking progress. It enables teams to collaborate more efficiently, reduce their reliance on email, and focus instead on progress tracking and delivery.

Teams who use task management software will enjoy the following benefits:

1. Increased clarity & visibility: Team task management is all about accountability. Each team member should know who is working on what, the requirements, and the time frame for the task. When mapped out for everyone involved, managing time, prioritizing tasks, and reassigning work becomes easier.

2. Reduced stress: Task management can prevent a lot of frustration because it relieves your team of questions like “Who is the owner of that task?” or “How can I prioritize my other work in accordance with this project?”

3. More data points for accurate project reporting: Task management isn’t just crucial for project planning and execution—it also comes in handy with post-project analysis. For example, if you’re managing cross-company content requests, you can track details like task completion date and department to get a big picture of demand over time.

4. Boosted productivity: 82% of people rely on a list or an email inbox as their means of task management. Surely there is a better way? Task management helps you accurately take stock of your tasks and assign priorities and deadlines. You can spend more time doing what matters most instead of searching for what to do next.

Here are some classic steps for team task management, no matter what tool you decide to use:

1. Make a list of your team’s required tasks: Add additional details, such as which are recurring vs. one-off. Use a start and end date as your boundaries.
2. Add task deadlines and timeframes: This is critical information before you assign tasks to your team. Be sure to leave enough time for execution and feedback.
3. Assign task priorities: Different priority levels, such as low, medium, and high, provide a more granular view of what's important for your team. They can also help you refine due dates.
4. Note other relevant task information: You might include task dependencies, important files, or related client information.
5. Assign each task to a team member: Review each team member’s workload to ensure no one has too much on their plate.
6. Track your team’s progress: Check in with your team regularly to see if you need to make any adjustments.

monday work management can help you manage and automate many of these steps.

To determine which tasks are a priority, some teams use the Eisenhower Matrix, which divides tasks into those that are:

1. Urgent and important, for example, if a deadline for a critical project is due today
2. Not urgent but important, for example, arranging a long-term planning and strategy development session
3. Urgent but not important, for example, attending a team social meeting in your calendar
4. Not urgent and not important, for example, browsing your social media feed.

The information provided in this article is accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication. Changes and updates in the business operations, policies, or any other relevant factors may occur after publication and we encourage readers to verify any information directly.
Rachel Hakoune is a Content Marketing Manager at Originally from Atlanta, she is finding the balance between southern charm and Israeli chutzpah.
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