Marketing planning: A complete guide and useful...
Planning is an essential activity for any project, including marketing. Without a proper plan in place, an otherwise successful campaign can turn into a chaotic...

How to create a successful (and manageable) marketing...
The right marketing plan can keep your team aligned, accountable, and productive. Sadly, you’d be surprised by the number of teams that neglect the planning process...

A complete guide to marketing automation
Marketing automation has come to stay. Nearly 8 out of 10 companies have already tapped into AI to automate repetitive tasks, and the level of adoption is spreading...

Your ultimate guide to social media management
What’s the difference between a fish and a poor social media manager? Nothing. They both flounder. If you don’t have your social media tools and best practices in...

Here’s what you need to know about demand...
Your customers have pain points and they’re itching for solutions. What if your company could not only solve their issues but predictably identify any solution...

The ultimate guide to creating a design strategy
We’ve got a question for you. Do you know where to start when it comes to creating your own design strategy? If you’re shaking your head right now, don’t worry....

Relationship marketing guide: strategy, examples, and...
Cheesy smiles, firm handshakes, and an uncomfortable amount of eye contact. While these might be tropes in business movies, they have little to do with real-life...

How to manage a content marketing strategy for blog,...
If you’ve been in marketing for longer than 5 minutes, you’ve probably heard the mantra “Content is king.” We know, we know — it’s so cliche. But it’s hard...

Here’s how to make social media scheduling easier
Nobody has time to sit on Facebook all day. Yet, your brand needs a consistent social media presence. You could always have your office intern sit and post frivolous...

The 6 simple steps of an optimized UX design process
Have you ever visited a website for a specific purpose and couldn’t figure out where to go? You’re moving your mouse all around the screen, trying to find the right...

All you need to know about campaign management
We’ve all had that feeling where it seems like you’re stuck in a rut at work, doing the same thing day in, day out. It happens to the best of us, no matter which...

Branding strategy: 6 steps to bringing your brand to...
Have you ever been drawn to purchase from a specific business? Perhaps you have positive feelings towards it after the company issued a no-hassle refund to you on your...

Essential strategies to build brand awareness
Building brand awareness is a trickier task than most people think. Or, more specifically — building brand awareness effectively is trickier than people think. Every...

The easiest way to master production scheduling
Product production scheduling isn’t typically on the forefront of our minds when we walk into our favorite store, but a lot has gone on behind the scenes by the...

A simple guide to the design process: kick-start your...
If trying to anticipate customer needs and crafting the perfect product or service was easy, no company would ever go out of business. They’d release one perfect...

Brand management 101: a complete guide to building your...
There’s a reason people line up around the block for the latest iPhone release. And oddly, it’s the same reason why seeing the Golden Arches immediately makes you...

11 marketing strategies (+how to execute them...
Marketing is the foundation of how you communicate your value to potential customers and convert them. Developing an overarching marketing strategy is all about...

Great marketing workflow features and how to prove ROI
As a fellow marketing team, we know how difficult it can be to keep track and monitor your endless campaigns, ongoing projects, blogs, and remote team members— just to...

What to look for in marketing project management...
Marketing project managers have distinct needs when looking for software platforms. Campaigns typically involve a number of teams, sometimes both internal and external,...

What is data driven marketing?
For decades, businesses have been keeping track of customer data. In times long gone, this data was kept within folders in something called a “filing...

How to optimize your marketing funnel to drive profit
How are you getting sales? What’s the path your traffic and leads take to submitting their credit card info? Do you get more leads from Google Ads or blog traffic,...