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Project management
What is change control management
Project management

What is change control management?

In some of our other posts on the blog, we’ve discussed the idea of crisis management. Viewed a certain way, a crisis is really just a time of rapid change....

Kaleigh Moore | 8 min read

Project management
What is a business project with 6 indepth examples
Project management

What is a business project? (with 6 in-depth examples)

When you order an advanced LEGO set these days, the LEGOs come pre-packaged as individual steps. That’s because the end result — a complex and well-built LEGO...

Kaleigh Moore | 9 min read

Project management
Brand management 101 a complete guide to building your brand
Project management

Brand management 101: a complete guide to building your...

There’s a reason people line up around the block for the latest iPhone release. And oddly, it’s the same reason why seeing the Golden Arches immediately makes you... | 12 min read

Project management
Understanding project baselines a guide
Project management

Understanding project baselines: a guide

Project baselines are an essential part of successful project management. Your baseline allows you to track your progress, adapt to any changes, and still finish your...

Rachel Hakoune | 8 min read

CRM and sales
The complete guide to channel sales
CRM and sales

The complete guide to channel sales

You want to keep earning the revenue you’re earning, but you’ve only got so many people available to sell for you. Sure, you could recruit, train, and employ more... | 11 min read

Project management
A complete guide to SMART goals everything you need to know
Project management

A complete guide to SMART goals: everything you need to...

If you’re reading this article, you’re trying to find out what a SMART goal is, right? It’s a phrase that’s thrown around a lot in the project management world....

Zoe Averbuch | 13 min read

Project management
Roadmaps explained how to make a good one
Project management

Roadmaps explained: how to make a good one

Unlike most management jargon, roadmap essentially explains itself. It’s a visualization of how your product or project should play out over time if everything goes... | 13 min read

Project management
The ultimate guide to Kanban and how to use it in 2023
Project management

The ultimate guide to Kanban and how to use it in 2023

Everyone has probably used a variation of the Kanban method in their lives, whether its been online Kanban software or using sticky notes—a form of Kanban cards!—to... | 13 min read

Project management
The complete guide to portfolio management
Project management

The complete guide to portfolio management

Managing multiple projects at once can get messy very quickly. Between evenly distributing resources, handling shifting priorities, and ensuring overall alignment with...

Danielle Tawfik | 11 min read

Project management
Managing task dependencies in project management
Project management

Managing task dependencies in project management

Projects rarely comprise two simple tasks — they usually consist of numerous tasks and dependencies. Listing those items is one thing, but managing them in the correct...

David Hartshorne | 9 min read

Project management
An introductory guide to business management
Project management

An introductory guide to business management

Running a business is like being a mom. Sometimes your children behave like little angels. Other times they drive you crazy. And if you don’t know how to manage their...

Kaleigh Moore | 14 min read

CRM and sales
CRM software The ultimate guide
CRM and sales

CRM software: The ultimate guide

Spreadsheets, email chains, paper records locked in a desk drawer—none of these are the best way to manage your customer relationships. To truly prioritize your...

David Hartshorne | 3 min read

How smart board technology brings innovation and creativity back to businesses

How smart board technology brings innovation and...

Some of the best ideas from business teams come from the classic brainstorming session. There’s nothing like huddling with team members in front of a whiteboard —... | 8 min read

11 marketing strategies how to execute them effectively

11 marketing strategies (+how to execute them...

Marketing is the foundation of how you communicate your value to potential customers and convert them. Developing an overarching marketing strategy is all about... | 11 min read

Project management
Why project cost tracking is crucial for project success
Project management

Cost variance: the key to keep projects under budget

All projects have various costs associated with them. Ideally, these costs have been planned for ahead of time and detailed in a project budget. The tricky part can be...

Rachel Hakoune | 5 min read

CRM and sales
The secret to effective lead tracking 038 why its vital
CRM and sales

The secret to effective lead tracking (& why...

If you don’t track, leads will slip through the cracks. It’s that simple. Tracking your leads tells you which leads to prioritize and how to best target...

Adi Pick | 9 min read

Project management
Bottomup vs topdown project management 101
Project management

Bottom-up vs. top-down project management 101

When it comes to managing projects, there are two schools of thought: Bottom-up vs. Top-down.

DJ Waldow | 6 min read

Project management
Complete guide to effective cost management
Project management

Complete guide to effective cost management

Budgets can make or break any project. You’ve got to be able to keep tabs on the cash, time, and resources you’re working with at all times. You’ll also need to...

Rachel Hakoune | 11 min read

CRM and sales
Why every sales team needs a sales dashboard
CRM and sales

Why every sales team needs a sales dashboard

Sales organizations live by the data housed in their sales dashboards. A detailed, robust sales performance dashboard is useful for all stakeholders and ensures teams...

DJ Waldow | 6 min read

Get more done with reminder apps

Get more done with reminder apps

We live in a world of constant alerts and reminders and notifications. Smartphones beep when a new text (or email or social mention or … ) arrives. Calendar apps...

DJ Waldow | 5 min read

Product development life cycle
Lean project management methodology guide
Product development life cycle

Lean project management methodology guide

There is no shortage of project management solutions in the SaaS marketplace The “best” solution often depends on the type of organization, the specific project, and...

Rachel Hakoune | 6 min read

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