Financial statement templates: everything you need to...
If you work with a small team or a small business, it’s unlikely you don’t have professional accountants on staff. But if you aren’t keeping a close eye on your...

Business memo templates for clear communication
When circumstances change in business, and your employees aren’t made aware, you could quickly find yourself running around trying to put out fires. Important client...

Free timelog template to simplify your productivity
Time slips away so easily. Before you know it, your entire workday is gone, and you barely remember where the time went. To get the upper hand on this, you can use...

Job description format — how to write a job...
Job description formats tend to vary from organization to organization, even if they are for the same role. This can be confusing for both applicants and the individuals...

Easy-to-use succession planning template for any...
A succession planning template is a great asset for future-proofing your organization. Even if the tides are in your favor right now, a sudden shift in leadership can...

Training plan template for employee onboarding
For a training program to be successful, a lot of thought and planning needs to happen beforehand. Last-minute training checklists won’t warrant incredible results. To...

Easy-to-use daily work schedule template
What’s on your work to-do list today? For most of us, that list is long. We have multiple concurrent projects, deadlines, and meetings to attend. Managing time...

Free & easy-to-use client information sheet...
Your client list is growing every day. Celebration time! Yet every name added to the list makes the organization more complicated. Hunting down a new client’s phone...

Easy-to-Use Interview Templates & Score Sheets
Job interviews are an essential part of building an all-star team. To ensure the best candidate for the position is hired, it is crucial to correctly evaluate each...

How to write a business continuity plan template
To avoid the common pitfalls associated with growing a successful business, you’ll need to come up with a long-term plan. A business continuity plan template can help...

Download Excel forms templates for simple data entry
Excel is one of the best tools there is to manage data efficiently. Data management is the force behind a simple task like collecting contact information for shipping...

Robust schedule template for Google Sheets
A work schedule is the lifeline of your business because this central document helps keep every team member on track and ensure you deliver exactly what you need to....

Estimate templates: the simple way to create job...
Estimating costs isn’t always the glamorous part of a job. However, preparing estimates is essential to successfully landing projects and completing them on time (and...

Best performance improvement plan (PIP) templates
Giving feedback to employees is a crucial part of improving your team’s productivity. Especially if a particular employee is consistently failing to meet the mark,...

How to Create a Budget in Google Sheets [7 Budget...
Effectively managing your budget can lead to a reduction in wasted time and resources so that you don’t lose out in the long run. However, knowing where to start when...

Free corrective action plan template
Business owners and managers face a myriad of challenges every day. Perhaps a team member failed to close a deal with a big client. Maybe someone email-blasted all your...

The ultimate Excel accounting template for bookkeeping
Your business can’t survive without accounting, which is why you’re probably on the hunt for an Excel accounting template that can help you stay on top of your...

Ultimate pro forma template for Excel
We’re living in some pretty uncertain times. Over the past couple of years, supply chains have been totally redrawn, and businesses have been forced to evolve how and...

Easy-to-use receipts templates for businesses
If you’ve ever bought something and wish you hadn’t, you’ll know why receipts are so important. They give customers the power to prove they’ve paid for...

Use this self-assessment template to engage your...
Keeping workers motivated is challenging, especially when organizations rely on affecting change solely from the top-down. By introducing self-assessment into your...

Employment verification letter templates
Employees request employment verification letters for many different reasons, whether it’s to rent a new apartment, secure a loan from the bank, or even to move on to...