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Project management
The dangers of the planning fallacy and how to overcome it
Project management

The dangers of the planning fallacy and how to overcome...

New projects spark a great deal of excitement and optimism, and when imagining reaching the end goal, people aren’t usually pessimistic about them. If they were,... | 9 min read

Project management
Vendor management and its role in project management
Project management

Understanding scope baseline for project management

  A scope baseline should be part of any comprehensive project plan. In addition to maintaining your schedule and budget, it also provides guidance on the necessary... | 8 min read

Project management
Decomposition project management for largescale projects
Project management

Decomposition project management for large-scale...

If you’ve ever heard Will Smith speaking about his attitude towards success, you might have heard the story he tells about his father forcing him and his younger... | 8 min read

Project management
Fallback plans and their role in a project8217s success
Project management

Fallback plans and their role in a project’s...

In any project, there’s an element of risk. Some risks are things you can plan for in advance, while others are harder to anticipate. A good project management... | 8 min read

Project management
The role of planned value in budgeting and tracking
Project management

The role of planned value in budgeting and tracking

  Successful project management means keeping projects on track both in terms of the timeline and the budget. This can be challenging when a project takes a long... | 9 min read

Project management
Seek solutions with a problem statement template
Project management

Seek solutions with a problem statement template

Albert Einstein famously espoused the importance of identifying the problem you’re facing before proposing solutions. Even when you inherently understand an... | 6 min read

Product development life cycle
Undergoing an Agile transformation all you need to know
Product development life cycle

Undergoing an Agile transformation: all you need to...

What started as an ideology for developing quality software efficiently has evolved into a way of thinking about business as a whole. By embracing Agile practices,...

Alicia Schneider | 9 min read

Project management
Free proof of concept template to help prove idea viability
Project management

Free proof of concept template to help prove idea...

Every great product, service, business idea, and technology started with an unproven theory that was then tested and found to be viable. If you think you’ve... | 8 min read

Project management
Make smart project choices with a decision matrix
Project management

Make smart project choices with a decision matrix

Use a decision matrix in project management to make better-informed decisions when faced with complex choices.

Rebecca Wojno | 9 min read

Project management
Resource calendars and their use in planning and tracking
Project management

Resource calendars and their use in planning and...

Thousands of years ago, humans invented calendars to measure the passage of days, months, and seasons. This ingenuity allowed them, for the first time, to harvest,... | 8 min read

Project management
The necessity of performance reporting
Project management

The necessity of performance reporting

A report for helping teams improve performance, stay within budget, and meet deadlines. 

Rebecca Wojno | 9 min read

Project management
How root cause analysis helps remove project roadblocks
Project management

How root cause analysis helps remove project roadblocks

Good medical doctors try to find the root cause of any symptoms a patient might report, so they can treat the source of the issue rather than the signs. Simply treating... | 8 min read

Project management
The importance of net present value for project managers
Project management

Estimate at completion (EAC) and its use in project...

The beginning of a project is always surrounded by expectations, and many ideas seem perfect when they’re still on paper. Planning every detail, setting goals, and... | 9 min read

Project management
How to use analogous estimating for better budgeting
Project management

How to use analogous estimating for better budgeting

Businesses are always looking for new and accurate ways to estimate the cost and duration of future projects. When there’s limited project information available,... | 8 min read

Project management
Risk owners  what do they do
Project management

Risk owners — what do they do?

Even the most well-crafted projects entail a certain degree of risk. Because project risk is inevitable, project managers should do everything within their power to... | 7 min read

Project management
The dangers of the planning fallacy and how to overcome it
Project management

Integrated master plans in high-level project...

A single document may be able to provide the overarching insight you need for effective project management. The integrated master plan (IMP) is a tool that can capture... | 7 min read

Project management
AScope of services template to define your operations
Project management

A Scope of services template to define your operations

Clear communication is crucial in every aspect of a business. Before undergoing operational changes within your departments or undertaking a client project, both sides... | 7 min read

Product updates
The 5 top questions from’s Reddit AMA
Product updates

The 5 top questions from’s Reddit AMA

See the most upvoted question from our live Ask Me Anything session on Reddit.

Danielle Tawfik | 7 min read

Project management
Prioritization template for improving your efficiency
Project management

How an impact effort matrix can help you prioritize...

Something entrepreneurs and project managers frequently grapple with is how to best spend their time and resources. For example, is it better to focus on low-impact... | 9 min read

Project management
Project management

Identify the root cause of problems with a 5 whys...

Finding unexpected problems is a headache for any project manager — solving them is another story entirely. The 5 whys process aims to take that initial problem and... | 9 min read

Task management
Free 5year plan template to organize the planning process
Task management

Free 5-year plan template to organize the planning...

As a business leader, you know the decisions you make today can shape the future of the company. If you want to control that trajectory, a 5-year plan template can be a... | 9 min read

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