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Project management
How to create an effective project schedulein 6 easy steps
Project management

How to create an effective project schedule in 6 easy...

It’s no secret that projects of all sizes include many stages and even more tasks and deliverables. If so much as a single element is delayed, it can lead to a... | 8 min read

Project management
project portfolio management software illustration of briefcase with purple background
Project management

The ultimate project portfolio management guide

Do the projects you take on align with your overall business and growth strategy? Over time, projects can lose direction. Once profitable projects lose their edge, and... | 10 min read

What is the best OmniFocus alternative

What is the best OmniFocus alternative?

Whether you’re a sole freelancer working on a number of projects, or a full-time project manager with a distributed team responsible for individual tasks, you need a... | 4 min read

10 productivity apps to vamp up your workflow

10 productivity apps to vamp up your workflow

Do you ever pick up your phone, become distracted by something on social media, and then put it down without doing the thing you intended to do? Or maybe constant...

Zoe Averbuch | 5 min read

Project management
Picking the best calendar app for you a quick guide
Project management

Picking the best calendar app for you: a quick guide

What do your mother-in-law’s birthday, anniversary, and your root canal appointment have in common? They’re all extremely painful things to forget. Back in... | 9 min read

Which to do list app is right for you

Which to do list app is right for you?

Creating a to do list isn’t all that complicated. Lots of people get by with just a pen and a notebook to keep track of what they need to do. But while convenient,... | 16 min read

Project management
How to Create the Perfect Project Plan 2024  5 Templates
Project management

How to Create the Perfect Project Plan [2024] + 5...

“I love it when a plan comes together.” Fans of the A-Team will remember this famous line, often declared jubilantly after the notorious quartet had pulled...

Rebecca Noori | 17 min read

Project management
Top 20 Gantt chart software to improve your projects in 2024
Project management

Top 20 Gantt chart software to improve your projects in...

Gantt charts are an important part of project management. Using horizontal bars, these charts are used to trace project progress over time, helping teams visualize how...

Rebecca Noori | 2 min read

Project management
How to create an effective todo list
Project management

How to create an effective to-do list

Tasks come from every direction—your boss CC’ing you on an email, a coworker asking for feedback on a report, or even your cat jumping on your lap meowing to be fed.... | 13 min read

Project management
What is a change management plan And how to make one
Project management

What is a change management plan? And how to make one

Before we start any new project or endeavor, we sit down and make plans and try to account for every eventuality. But no matter how good we get, it’s impossible to... | 10 min read

How to use a team app to boost productivity

How to use a team app to boost productivity

Whether your team is made up of 4 people or 40, collaborating and working together as a unit can be a challenge. Especially when remote work is becoming more common and... | 11 min read

Project management
Qu es un flujo de trabajo y porqu es importante
Project management

What is a workflow and how to create one

The process of completing tasks needs to flow seamlessly in order to ensure a successful process or project. This flow can be a series of steps in place that dictate how...

Alicia Schneider | 11 min read

Project management
What is a Project Definition Types and Examples 2025
Project management

What is a Project? Definition, Types, and Examples...

You may be familiar with project management, but when it comes to the basic question of “what is a project,” it can sometimes be more difficult to specifically...

Alicia Schneider | 12 min read

Project management
What is a task and how to get more of them done
Project management

What is a task? and how to get more of them done

While the word “task” might bring about feelings of despair related to chores or undesirable actions, this is usually related more so to the way you have to manage... | 10 min read

Project management
Best timeline software free and paid
Project management

Best timeline software: free and paid

Most project managers today use software for project planning. And a key feature that most project planning tools offer is the timeline. Timeline’s are great for...

Kerry Leech | 14 min read

Project management
What does a project manager do
Project management

What does a project manager do?

You’re always the one who knows where everything is and what everybody’s up to. After talking to you, people come away wanting to accomplish great things. So... | 8 min read

What to look for in productivity software

What to look for in productivity software

Between meetings, monotonous tasks, and those projects or workflows that require more creativity, we’re constantly asking ourselves how we can get it all done faster... | 10 min read

Project management
The matrix organizational structure, fully explained
Project management

The matrix organizational structure, fully explained

Unfortunately for sci-fi movie buffs , the matrix organizational structure has nothing to do with epic battles or overthrowing our robot overlords. But don’t worry,... | 9 min read

How online collaboration tools can improve your teams efficiency while working from home

How online collaboration tools can improve your...

The COVID-19 pandemic shall pass, but remote team collaboration will remain. At least, that’s what some studies forecast. According to PwC, 73%  of employees want to... | 14 min read

Project management
What to look for in marketing project management software and which we recommend
Project management

What to look for in marketing project management...

Marketing project managers have distinct needs when looking for software platforms. Campaigns typically involve a number of teams, sometimes both internal and external,... | 10 min read

Project management
Why your team should be using calendar apps
Project management

Why your team should be using calendar apps

The modern calendar app: it’s the pinnacle of efficiency and simplicity. Designed to allow teams to track, schedule, and manage their professional and personal lives,... | 11 min read

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