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DJ Waldow

DJ is a freelance writer specializing in all things words. He's a father of 4 (including twins), husband to one, and an alum of the University of Michigan. DJ is a self-proclaimed giphy master and #HashtagAddict.

Posts by this author

How to Keep Your Team Efficient With Task Tracking
Project management

7 features to look for in a client tracker

A client tracker helps teams organize customer — or client or user — data into one convenient location....

7 min read

Project management

10-step project checklist for successful projects

Before every airline flight, a pilot reviews a pre-flight checklist. Before publishing a blog post — like...

9 min read

Lessons Learned Template FREE  Tips to Make it Effective
Project management

Lessons Learned Template [FREE] + Tips to Make it...

Every project hits a few (or many) bumps along the way, but they are opportunities to learn and improve the...

11 min read

Gather feedback with a Google form survey template

Survey Says! The ins and outs of’s survey...

Surveys are everywhere. From Family Feud to “Tell us how we are doing” signs in bathrooms to Room Rater,...

6 min read

mondaycom forms A musthave if you do anything online forms: A must-have if you do anything online

If you do anything online these days, you are likely to encounter forms. Sometimes called online forms or...

7 min read

Work Without Limits the many benefits of using mondaycoms Work OS

Work Without Limits: the many benefits of using...

Work Without Limits. That’s our mantra at Our Work Operating System (“Work OS”) helps teams...

7 min read

5 simple student planner and time management tips for college students
Project management

These 5+ time management systems will help you get more...

60 minutes in an hour. 24 hours in a day. 7 days in a week. 52 weeks in a year. All of the above are facts...

8 min read

Visualize Your Weekly Goals and Daily Goals with mondaycom Board Views
Project management

Visualize Your Weekly Goals and Daily Goals with...

Goals are something tangible they can see in the (near) future — a light at the end of the tunnel. Any life...

7 min read

Automation Eliminate manual processes and manual work and get more work done
Project management

Automation: Eliminate manual processes and manual work...

The average office worker spends more than 3 hours per day on tasks that could easily be automated. 3 hours....

6 min read

Project management

OKR vs. KPI: The KEY similarities and differences

There is no shortage of acronyms in the business world. B2B. B2C. BD. SDR. BDR. CEO. CRO. CMO. Need more?...

7 min read

How to simplify your work day with organization apps
Project management

How to simplify your work day with organization apps

Everyone could use a bit more organization in their lives. Right? The answer to better organization?...

7 min read

Use a project kickoff template for successful projects
Project management

Use a project kickoff template for successful projects

There are times in life — and business — where “just jumping in feet first” is the best approach, but...

7 min read

How personal dashboards help businesses monitor all essential data at a glance
Project management

How personal dashboards help businesses monitor all...

It’s hard to imagine a world without personalization. From personalized recommendations on Amazon to...

7 min read