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Project management
Release Management vs Project Management What You Need To Know
Project management

Release Management vs Project Management: What You Need...

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to delivering great software, including release schedules, bug fixes, user testing, development methodologies — the list... | 7 min read

Project management
Project management

Develop new approaches for successful project...

Retail is a challenging field for any business, and the success stories in the industry keep pace with always-evolving approaches to sales. Roughly half of... | 8 min read

Project management
Business process reengineering definition obstacles and key elements
Project management

Understand engineering management vs. project...

Effective project management helps businesses mitigate risks, reduce costs, and improve their success rates. For firms that employ engineers, good engineering management... | 8 min read

Project management
How to choose the right project management software with a client portal
Project management

How to choose the right project management software...

Every project needs a clear plan of action, strong leadership, and a team that can execute efficiently.  However, even the most well-planned project needs the right... | 11 min read

Project management
How order of magnitude can provide an early Idea of cost
Project management

Cost estimate in project management: a critical success...

Estimating costs as accurately as possible can mean the difference between getting projects up and running quickly vs. encountering delays or cancellations. Cost... | 8 min read

Project management
How to use a Gantt chart for a research project
Project management

How to use a Gantt chart for a research project

Ensure all team members understand objectives, deadlines, and task dependency relationships. | 7 min read

Project management
Benefits of using a Gantt chart for a construction project
Project management

Benefits of using a Gantt chart for a construction...

Using a Gantt chart for a construction project provides many benefits for you and your crew. A Gantt chart outlining necessary tasks in detail can increase transparency... | 7 min read

Project management
Task management vs project management
Project management

Task management vs project management

The main difference between task management and project management is the scope of responsibilities. | 6 min read

Project management
Project management for entrepreneurs
Project management

Project management for entrepreneurs

If any activity requires a series of steps, you can manage it like a project.

Zoe Averbuch | 7 min read

Project management
Gantt chart with milestones Visual management for any project
Project management

Gantt chart with milestones: Visual management for any...

Whether you’re overseeing an Agile software development effort or are the project manager tasked with creating a major process change for your business, you and... | 9 min read

Project management
Gantt charts for event planning to visualize success
Project management

Gantt charts for event planning to visualize success

From weddings to corporate conferences, events serve so many business, social, and personal purposes. That means event management comes with a lot of unique details to... | 9 min read

Project management
How to set effective KPIs for project management
Project management

How to set effective KPIs for project management

How do you know when a project is successful or going in the right direction? Hint: KPIs.

Rebecca Wojno | 8 min read

Project management
Gantt chart for business plans
Project management

Gantt chart for business plans

Pairing Gantt charts with a Work OS can supercharge planning and project launches. | 7 min read

Project management
Project management

A guide to project management for public involvement

Project management for public involvement can raise your ROI and help you reach your audience. | 8 min read

Project management
Process management vs project management
Project management

Process management vs project management

Two very different business techniques with varying goals, objectives, and stages.

Rebecca Wojno | 7 min read

Project management
Increase efficiency on every level with mondaycom
Project management

Increase efficiency on every level with

Uncovering ways to increase efficiency is a great way to increase productivity and reduce waste.

Rebecca Wojno | 8 min read

Project management
How To Ace Your Minimum Viable Product MVP
Project management

How To Ace Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A minimum viable product (MVP) helps product management teams validate their ideas and get their product to market faster. That can be a huge win for businesses working...

David Hartshorne | 8 min read

Project management
Project management vs business management explained
Project management

Project management vs business management explained

Running a business requires both project management and business management skills. | 7 min read

Project management
A guide to project management for nonproject managers
Project management

A guide to project management for non-project managers

Learning project management for non-project managers is easier than you might think.

Zoe Averbuch | 8 min read

Project management
For sales success look to project management
Project management

For sales success, look to project management

Sales project management benefits range from organizing resources to better collaboration.

Rebecca Wojno | 8 min read

Project management
Everything you need to know about Agile solutions
Project management

Everything you need to know about Agile solutions

From manufacturing to software development, if you’re in the business of project management, going more than a week without hearing about Agile solutions is nigh... | 9 min read