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Keep team members in the loop with communication logs 6 min read
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Like spinning plates, you know project management hinges on being conscious of multiple factors simultaneously. It’s imperative to have a communication plan because failing to communicate important information to the right people at the right time can have significant consequences. You want a reliable tool for keeping track of whom you need to communicate with and when. The right communication logs may also provide an audit trail when necessary.

This article explains how a communication log template can increase efficiency, capture important information accurately, and save you valuable time. It shares an impressive and easily customizable communication log template that utilizes the power of Work OS to relieve some pressures of your role.

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What is a communication log?

‘The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.’ — George Bernard Shaw

A communication log is a daily log of the interactions between project managers and their teams and stakeholders. It provides a road map for communications to be delivered at key points in the week and is a history of previous communications, providing a vital paper trail for appraising the project after completion. It also makes it easier to see where communication mistakes were made when looking back to find the source of a current issue, such as the mistaken belief that something was communicated when it wasn’t.

How do communication logs work for projects?

We’re all human, so it’s easy for misunderstandings and broken communications to create conflict, and for cognitive biases to generate unintended consequences. Therefore, it’s vital the project manager develops a communication plan that outlines how, when, and what information will be shared with project members and stakeholders. The manager needs a communication log to ensure the smooth implementation of the daily communication plan. Each log will reflect the particulars of any given project, but all include methods of recording the following:

  • Team meetings
  • Board meetings
  • Emails
  • Phone calls

The communication log should include the ability to record and deliver other aspects of project management too, such as:

  • Status reports
  • Status calls
  • Closeout reports
  • Issue logs
  • Change requests

Why are communication logs important in project management?

A study by the Project Management Institute (PMI) found that poor communication contributes to the failure of 56% of projects. Miscommunication within teams creates confusion and frustration, which slows down workflow and reduces the quality of the output. An effectively managed communication log builds routine into the flow of communication. It also ensures no one is left out of the loop and provides an audit trail that can reveal factors that may have contributed to areas where the project underperformed.

Communication logs generate an audit trail and help project managers distribute precise information to the right people on time.

For projects to succeed, every team member must know the scope of their responsibilities at any given moment. The communication log helps the project manager keep track of what’s been said to whom and when. A good daily log includes strong visual elements that the manager can quickly scan to easily identify weaknesses in the communication strategy. A communication log also lets the project manager record feedback that can be used to improve daily communications in future projects.

Benefits of using communication logs

Project managers gain multiple benefits if they use a daily log to monitor communications within their teams. They include:

  • Knowing when to communicate vital information to the team and stakeholders
  • Recording and evidencing the delivery of the right communications to the right people on time
  • Making the implementation of the communication plan more effective
  • Ensuring stakeholders are fully informed at every stage of the project
  • Enabling managers to keep teams focused on their schedules

The powerful communication features within Work OS that make it easy to monitor team members’ progress and converse with them effectively can integrate seamlessly with the communication log template. As well as being more efficient, it improves workflow and removes the likelihood of human error when recording certain communication methods, such as emails and phone calls.

Communication log template examples

Every project is different. Developing a unique daily communication log for each one is time-consuming and prone to human error. An effective and efficient solution is to use a tried and tested template that can be easily customized to suit the current project. The question is, what fields should the template contain? The answer depends on the project. At a minimum, your communication log should include the following:

  • The names of each team member and stakeholder who must be kept informed
  • The most effective method of communication for each individual
  • The frequency of communication
  • A short description of the information shared
  • The dates when information is communicated
  • The dates when information is updated
  • A method of visualizing the current status of individual communications, such as color coding

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Stay on the same page with project communication logs at

The Work OS Project Communication Plan Template exploits the power of the system, seamlessly integrates with other useful templates, and can be tailored to suit projects of all sizes. Project managers already familiar with Work OS will have a very short learning curve, and benefit from the easy-to-scan color scheme identifying on- and off-target tasks. They’ll also find the template’s flexibility makes it suitable for any type of project.

Creating communication logs in spreadsheets that aren’t linked to your project management software takes time and energy and don’t provide a seamless experience. The project communication logs developed by allow you to stay on the same page, saving you time and minimizing the chances of making mistakes — which is a real possibility when flitting between software systems.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a communication log in project management?

A communication log records communication events, but not the content of the communications. It generates an audit trail for stakeholders to monitor the flow of communication activities from the project’s beginning to its end.

What are the 5 communication forms in project management?

Project management’s five communication forms are:

  • Verbal
  • Nonverbal
  • Written
  • Visual
  • Auditory

Control communications with team members with communication logs

Communication logs are a vital instrument in every project manager’s toolbox. They help the manager control the flow of information, ensure the right messages are communicated when they should be, and keep individuals and teams on schedule. They also provide a vital paper trail, which has the added benefit of enabling managers to improve their communications plans for future projects.

Establishing a project is the epitome of a high-pressure role, so anything that can relieve some burden is welcome. Our templates save you time and effort and make it easier for you to track communications within your teams and give your stakeholders the information they need on time.

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