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Project management
Project management

Create effective standard operating procedures (SOPs)

With everything you have to accomplish in a day, wouldn’t it be great if you could wave a magic wand and check off every task on your list? Well, there’s no... | 7 min read

Project management
Project management

Precedence diagrams explained

Every project consists of a series of activities that must happen in a specific order. Look closer, and you’ll start to see hidden dependencies, or the... | 9 min read

Project management
Project management

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) and its effects...

Have you ever accidentally gone over budget at the grocery store? You’re browsing, pick up a few extra items, and realize once you reach the checkout line that you... | 9 min read

Project management
Project timeline steps best practices and examples
Project management

Forward pass project management and timeline...

If you’re a project manager, your most important initial task is to develop a timeline that realistically allows your team to meet each deadline. The more detailed... | 9 min read

Project management
Project management

Keep team members in the loop with communication logs

Like spinning plates, you know project management hinges on being conscious of multiple factors simultaneously. It’s imperative to have a communication... | 6 min read

Project management
The ultimate project management glossary of leading terminology
Project management

The ultimate project management glossary of leading...

Consider this glossary your one-stop resource for defining all the commonly-used project management terms. For each term, you’ll find a straightforward definition...

Danielle Tawfik | 17 min read

Project management
Everything you need to know about missioncritical projects
Project management

Everything you need to know about mission-critical...

As a project manager, you’re responsible for keeping your project moving forward smoothly. However, at any moment, a mission-critical loss could occur, threatening... | 8 min read

Project management
Project management

How to use a project decision log for optimal results

Every team project involves hundreds of decisions. Some are innocuous; others, such as selecting a supplier or picking a material for a new product, have a big impact on... | 9 min read

Project management
Project management

Conflict management: how to use it to improve teamwork

“Nine times out of ten, an argument ends with each of the contestants more firmly convinced than ever that he is absolutely right. You can’t win an argument. You... | 8 min read

Project management
4 key CRM features to help you close more deals
Project management

Gold plating: what it is and how to avoid it

Imagine that you’re at the grocery store and have found everything on your list. When it’s time to pay, the cashier unexpectedly places an additional item in... | 8 min read

Project management
Crystal Agile Methodology in Project Management
Project management

Crystal Agile Methodology in Project Management

As a business leader, you no doubt know that no two projects are alike. This is especially true when it comes to software development. Subsequently, you can’t... | 8 min read

Project management
Portfolio management vs project management
Project management

Portfolio management vs project management

While the terms sound similar, they serve different purposes in terms of business goals. | 7 min read

Project management
Project management

Situational leadership: How flexible leaders benefit...

Imagine you’re in charge of an important project and need to motivate your team to meet a tight deadline. Would you use the same motivational techniques on... | 9 min read

Project management
Project management

Creative problem solving: leveraging convergent...

More and more, creative problem solving is becoming the critical ingredient to project and product success. But while many teams could do with an extra dose of... | 8 min read

Project management
How to use an iterative process for projects
Project management

How to use an iterative process for projects

The iterative process gives your organization the power to learn and improve through trial and error. The iterative process is efficient and adaptable, so your company... | 8 min read

Project management
Project management

What is the Delphi Method – Pros, Cons, and...

Collective intelligence, the underlying concept of the Delphi technique, is knowledge born from a group. It’s often accepted as outperforming knowledge derived from a... | 8 min read

Project management
Project management

Using earned value management for predicting project...

Even the most ambitious and well-planned projects sometimes stray off course. Take the case of the International Space Station, a five-nation collaboration that started... | 9 min read

Project management
How Enterprise Resource Planning ERP will form the backbone of your business
Project management

How Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) will form the...

A successful enterprise company functions in much the same way as the human body. Just as the brain needs oxygen from the lungs, and vital organs depend on blood pumping...

Rebecca Noori | 13 min read

Project management
Project management

How to use a feasibility study in project management

Making decisions can be challenging, especially when those decisions can have a significant, lasting impact on the future success of your company. In project management,... | 8 min read

Project management
The PMBOK and How It8217s Used in Project Management
Project management

The PMBOK and How It’s Used in Project Management

“We’re over budget.” These three words can make even the most seasoned project manager panic and wonder where they went wrong. As a project manager,... | 7 min read

Project management
Project management

Critical things project managers need to know about use...

When you get into your car, you’ve got a destination in mind and, if you’re unsure how to get there, you’ll likely use a GPS as a guide. Prior to the... | 8 min read