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Project management

Read about the different project management methods and techniques and how to utilize them with monday work management.  
Project management
How and why to use the MOCHA project management method
Project management

How and why to use the MOCHA project management...

Project management is a complex process that involves managing people, roles, goals, timelines, and more. Successful teams and PMs often  That’s why in addition to...

Allie Kashkash | 7 min read

Project management
Agile project management certification a complete guide
Project management

Agile project management certification: a complete...

Agile project management has its roots in software development, but today it’s used widely in everything from marketing campaign management to scientific research. If...

Rosanna Campbell | 11 min read

Project management
7 best project management podcasts The top list
Project management

7 best project management podcasts: The top list

As a project manager, being knowledgeable about industry trends, new techniques, and best practices is essential to staying on top of your game. Podcasts are a great way... | 11 min read

Project management
How to Keep Your Team Efficient With Task Tracking
Project management

7 features to look for in a client tracker

A client tracker helps teams organize customer — or client or user — data into one convenient location. This data includes, but is not limited to contact...

DJ Waldow | 7 min read

Project management
Pro project coordination tips for better results
Project management

Pro project coordination tips for better results

47% of projects fail, according to research by the Project Management Institute. In most cases, the issue isn’t in the initial planning phase–it comes down to your...

Rosanna Campbell | 8 min read

Project management
Project manager walking a team through a project plan
Project management

How to answer project manager interview questions

Got a tough project manager interview coming up? Don't panic! Here's a guide to the most commonly asked project manager interview questions-and exactly how to answer...

Rosanna Campbell | 10 min read

Project management
Is a masters in project management worth it
Project management

Is a master’s in project management worth it?

Project managers are in high demand. Research by the Project Management Institute (PMI) indicates that employers will need to fill nearly 2.3 million new...

David Hartshorne | 9 min read

Project management
Project sponsor a look at the role and responsibilities
Project management

Project sponsor: a look at the role and...

There are so many roles that go into making a project a success. Starting from stakeholders with vested interest and continuing to team members who execute tasks and...

Alicia Schneider | 10 min read

Project management
How to become a senior project manager
Project management

How to become a senior project manager

The road to becoming a senior project manager is paved with skill sharpening, certifications, best practices, and a deepened passion for effective process management —...

Hibathu Naseer | 8 min read

Project management
How to run a successful pilot project
Project management

How to run a successful pilot project

Project management is a long game. It can take time to see the results. But one way to test things out on a small scale before knowing if it will be a success is to run...

Kerry Leech | 9 min read

Project management
How to deal with scope change in project management
Project management

How to deal with scope change in project management

Your team is getting started on a new project and the goals and end products are clear. You have a plan to meet the deadline and make the best, most professional final...

Allie Kashkash | 6 min read

Project management
What is the best task manager software for Macs
Project management

Maximizing Productivity with Task Manager for Mac: A...

Introduction: Mac users often rely on their computers to manage various tasks and projects, whether it’s for work or personal use. However, with so many programs... | 4 min read

Project management
How to create a project initiation document and why
Project management

How to create a project initiation document and why

If you’re in the initiating stage of any project, you know how important planning your steps is. This is the point that you understand what you need to do, make sure...

Allie Kashkash | 6 min read

Project management
How an activity diagram can keep your project on track
Project management

How an activity diagram can keep your project on track

Getting started on any new project can be a big undertaking for a team or company as a whole. That’s why having a strategy in place for project management is critical....

Allie Kashkash | 6 min read

Project management
Project management tips for manufacturing projects
Project management

Project management tips for manufacturing projects

There are many moving parts involved in manufacturing. First, the manufacturing process itself is made up of different elements, such as sourcing materials, working with...

Alicia Schneider | 7 min read

Project management
A guide to SWOT analysis in project management
Project management

A guide to SWOT analysis in project management

Project management is an ever-evolving field that requires a thorough understanding of various methods and techniques to ensure the successful completion of projects....

Alicia Schneider | 7 min read

Project management
Starting steps for research project success
Project management

Starting steps for research project success

Research projects are an important part of a student’s academic career. They’re an integral part of the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to...

Alicia Schneider | 8 min read

Project management
What is a gate review in project management
Project management

What is a gate review in project management?

A gate review is a valuable way to keep track of each phase or stage of a project. It allows independent reviewers to assess the work already completed and evaluate the...

David Hartshorne | 7 min read

Project management
Make every project handoff a win
Project management

Make every project handoff a win

In a relay race, the baton passing between athletes needs to happen at a precise moment to keep the race moving. Effective planning, great communication, and trust... | 8 min read

Project management
Project collaboration Sharing skills and insight
Project management

Project collaboration: Sharing skills and insight

Different people have different skills, and what makes teamwork interesting is combining those skills together. When developing new products, a wide range of skills is... | 6 min read

Project management
The beginners guide to critical chain project management
Project management

The beginners guide to critical chain project...

A failed project usually boils down to a handful of things: Being late, over budget, and below specification and quality. And one major failure factor is resource issues...

Kerry Leech | 7 min read