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Product development life cycle

Read about agile product development practices and learn how to manage all aspects of your product and development processes with monday dev.

Product development life cycle
Intro to Large Scale Scrum LeSS
Product development life cycle

The ultimate guide to scrum project management

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your team managed themselves? Imagine this. Your team shows up for work each day full of energy and enthusiasm. They know exactly what to... | 9 min read

Product development life cycle
The 4 Scrum ceremonies you need to bring structure to your project
Product development life cycle

The 4 Scrum ceremonies you need to bring structure to...

Sadly, a Scrum ceremony isn’t an ornate presentation that happens after a particularly effective headlock in the British sport of rugby. More’s the pity. In all... | 10 min read

Product development life cycle
What is the Scaled Agile Framework SAFe
Product development life cycle

What is the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)?

When you’re a small startup with only a few like-minded people on a single team, of course you can be flexible. But if you do things right, you won’t stay small...

Zoe Averbuch | 11 min read

Product development life cycle
What you need to know about quality assurance and how to execute it
Product development life cycle

What you need to know about quality assurance (and how...

Imagine playing Jenga with a set that contains one faulty block. Near the end of your game, you tap the end of the Jenga block to free it from the stack, and it cracks... | 12 min read

Product development life cycle
A guide to managing your product backlog
Product development life cycle

A guide to managing your product backlog

A successful product takes meticulous planning. With so many small tasks making up a greater product launch, tackling them all in due time can be challenging without a...

Alicia Schneider | 11 min read

Product development life cycle
How to structure your Kanban flow efficiently
Product development life cycle

How to structure your Kanban flow efficiently

Improving efficiency is a never-ending process. By making your workflows more efficient, you can save time, money, and other resources. Kanban is an excellent way to do...

Zoe Averbuch | 8 min read

Product development life cycle
Traditional project management vs Agile how to choose
Product development life cycle

Traditional project management vs. Agile: how to choose

With Agile, Lean, and all the other new cool kids on the project management block, some managers act as if there’s nothing left to learn from traditional project...

Danielle Tawfik | 9 min read

Product development life cycle
Jira Pricing 038 Review What you need to know
Product development life cycle

Jira Pricing & Review: What you need to know

Choosing a project management software isn’t easy. After all, there are over 440 options listed on G2! But if you’re looking for an agile project management tool,...

Rosanna Campbell | 8 min read

Product development life cycle
Lean vs Scrum whats the difference
Product development life cycle

Lean vs. Scrum: what’s the difference?

With Agile, Lean, and Scrum trending hard, chances are you’ve at least heard the different terms before. But can you explain the difference? Do you even understand it?... | 7 min read

Product development life cycle
Everything you need to know about Agile release planning
Product development life cycle

Everything you need to know about Agile release...

In a perfect world, everything would always go according to plan. Development teams and project managers alike know just how important it is to stay on top of story... | 6 min read

Product development life cycle
Scrum vs PMP everything you want to know
Product development life cycle

Scrum vs. PMP: everything you want to know

Being in charge of a project isn’t a walk in the park. Without the right foundation it can feel more like walking through a field full of landmines. While... | 8 min read

Product development life cycle
10 best Scrum tools in 2024
Product development life cycle

10 best Scrum tools in 2024

We’re going to make a claim about Scrum that might shock you. Scrum isn’t a methodology or a process—it’s a technology. Sound crazy? We don’t...

Rebecca Noori | 12 min read

Product development life cycle
The complete guide to Scrum meetings
Product development life cycle

The complete guide to Scrum meetings

Scrum meetings are an essential part of the Scrum framework. In fact, according to the Agile Manifesto, development teams need to engage in face-to-face conversations to...

David Hartshorne | 10 min read

Product development life cycle
What is a scrum sprint A quick guide
Product development life cycle

What is a scrum sprint? [A quick guide]

Despite what it sounds like, a Scrum sprint has nothing to do with either rugby or track and field. A Scrum sprint actually describes the amount of work a development... | 6 min read

Product development life cycle
The 5 Scrum values and how to implement them
Product development life cycle

The 5 Scrum values and how to implement them

So you’ve decided to implement the Scrum framework in your company. If you do it without internalizing the Scrum Values, you may as well drop your team in the jungle... | 7 min read

Product development life cycle
Scrum Guide ceremonies and artifacts in plain English
Product development life cycle

Scrum Guide: ceremonies and artifacts in plain English

With ceremonies and artifacts, it’s easy to think the Scrum Guide is some kind of religious scripture. But you can learn the Scrum framework without feeling like... | 9 min read

Product development life cycle
Scrum vs Waterfall is the choice really that clear
Product development life cycle

Scrum vs. Waterfall: is the choice really that clear?

Scrum good. Waterfall bad. That’s as simple as many sources make it sound these days. Out with the old, in with the new. But what if we told you it wasn’t so... | 9 min read

Product development life cycle
What is Agile velocity and why should you care
Product development life cycle

What is Agile velocity and why should you care?

The Agile methodology is based on one core idea — deliver and reiterate. In other words, you’re not trying to build an entire system in one go. Instead, you deliver... | 8 min read

Product development life cycle
SAFe vs Scrum which is right for you
Product development life cycle

SAFe vs. Scrum: which is right for you?

“The world is Agile.” It’s a cliche by now, but that doesn’t make it less of a movement. Any company not using Agile processes in 2020 is liable to come... | 9 min read

Product development life cycle
The ultimate guide to Scrum principles
Product development life cycle

The ultimate guide to Scrum principles

In rugby, a scrum is a method of resolving disputes over which side has the ball. The two opposing teams form up into three reinforced lines each, then push and shove... | 9 min read

Product development life cycle
The 4 Agile values your team should embrace
Product development life cycle

The 4 Agile values your team should embrace

The four Agile values, as outlined in the Agile Manifesto, guide agile product development projects. Although conceived by software engineers, these values have...

David Hartshorne | 7 min read