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Freshworks pricing: their plans, products, and how it works

Eliana Atia 7 min read
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Deciding how you want to manage your organization’s workflows can often feel like a “chicken or the egg” perdicament. You need a reliable software to help manage your work, but you need to know how you want to manage it before you can pick a software.

To make sure you you’re equipped with all of the information you need to choose the software that’s right for you, we’ve outlined some of the must-haves and important deatils on Freshworks’ pricing.  Discover if Freshworks offers a plan that works for your business, or if there’s a software better fit for your needs.

What is Freshworks?

Freshworks is a small suite of 6 business-related products:

  • Freshworks CRM: a CRM software for capturing new leads, nurturing relationships with existing clients, and driving sales.
  • Freshdesk: a knowledge-base platform for customer service teams.
  • Freshchat: a user-messaging tool designed to boost sales and improve customer engagement.
  • Freshcaller: a call-center-like tool meant to simplify the process of setting up calls.
  • Freshservice: an IT automation software for managing complex technologies and internal processes.
  • Freshteam: an HR-focused platform that helps recruiters find, interview, and hire top talent.

Freshworks allows you to choose the tools and services your staff needs to build an all-inclusive solution. The range of their SaaS products is big, and so is their number of pricing plans.

While offers an all-in-one solution for a fixed price, Freshworks has an individual price tag for every plan they provide.

What type of pricing plans does Freshworks offer?

Research conducted by Capterra states that pricing is the 3rd most important factor for project management software purchase decisions. Considering the importance of pricing for most buyers, Freshworks offers a few options depending on their products.

Factors for PM software purchase decisions


The products we’ll cover in this post include Freshworks CRM, Freshdesk, and Freshservice. 

1. Freshworks CRM

Freshworks CRM system offers 3 pricing plans:

  • Growth, starting at $29 per month, billed annually
  • Pro, starting at $69 per month, billed annually
  • Enterprise, starting at $125 per month, billed annually

For the sake of brevity, we’ll focus on the Pro plan, which is Freshworks CRM’s most popular option.

What do you get with Freshworks CRM’s Pro plan?

This plan might be a good option if you deal with a large database of clients. It helps you work with your sales team without too much manual labor.

The Pro plan includes some of the following features:

  • Lead Gen Bot: use a chatbot to schedule meetings, qualify interested website visitors, and start conversations with prospects automatically.
  • Answer Bot: use automated live chat to answer common questions.
  • Conference calling: solve customer issues through live meetings.
  • Behavioral segmentation: segment your contacts based on conditional data and specific actions.
  • Deal insights: score leads based on engagement and get valuable data to close more deals.
  • Sales sequences: structure strategic sales pipelines to turn prospects into customers.

2. Freshdesk

Freshdesk’s customer service platform offers a free plan and 4 paid ones:

  • Blossom, starting at $15 per month, billed annually
  • Garden, starting at $35 per month, billed annually
  • Estate, starting at $49 per month, billed annually
  • Forest, starting at $99 per month, billed annually

Let’s dig a bit deeper into the Forest plan.

What do you get with Freshdesk’s Forest plan?

This enterprise-focused plan provides a helpdesk with some automated features that assist customer support teams in getting things done.

Some of the main features of this plan include:

  • Skill-based routing: send tickets to specific reps based on their skills.
  • Sandbox (test mode): experiment with the platform without affecting your workflows.
  • Audit log: monitor your activity with ease and keep your team updated.
  • IP Whitelisting: increase security by allowing only specific IP addresses to access the platform.
  • Email Bot: answer email tickets on autopilot.
  • Article suggester: suggest solution articles to your reps to help them solve customer issues faster.

3. Freshservice

Freshworks’ service management solution offers 4 paid plans:

  • Starter, starting at $19 per month, billed annually
  • Growth, starting at $49 per month, billed annually
  • Pro, starting at $89 per month, billed annually
  • Enterprise, starting at $109 per month, billed annually

Since the Pro plan is their most popular option, we’ll focus on it.

What do you get with Freshservice’s Pro plan?

This plan combines an Intelligent Service Management Solution (ITSM) with project management functionalities. It’s designed for large organizations.

Here’s what you get:

  • Problem management: manage service problems and tickets more efficiently.
  • Change management: plan any change in your service beforehand and avoid potential pitfalls.
  • Release management: document your build and test plans from start to finish.
  • Project management: plan and execute better IT initiatives and ensure you meet deadlines.
  • Team dashboards: track progress and share it with your team to increase transparency.
  • Contract management: manage all your vendor and client contracts under one roof.

Is Freshworks right for your business?

In order to properly answer that question, you need to first understand your business structure and what “success” means for you. While pricing is crucial to understnd before choosing a software, elements such as real customer reviews can also shed light on important features and values you should know about.

For instance, a quick look at TrustRadius, one of the largest software reviewing companies, will tell you how Freshworks stacks up compared to competitors inclusing's TrustRadius reviews


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What is home page 2022 is a versatile Work OS used by 150,000+ organizations to build custom digital workspaces and work more efficiently. lets you build any workflow that adapts to your needs — from CRM to accounting, project management, marketing automation, and even software development, helps you streamline and automate any type of workflow.

Need to capture some leads? We’ve got you covered. Want to improve the overall customer experience? Not a problem. Is there a bug that needs to be tracked and fixed? Count on us.

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Main features and benefits of

Here’s what brings to the table:

  • Automations: automate over 250,000 human actions in minutes (literally).
  • Customizations: get access to dozens of building blocks to design a platform that feels perfect.
  • Reporting and analytics: turn your data into actionable insights with our powerful reporting options.
  • Visualizations: visualize your workflows with 8 different data views, including Kanban, Gantt, Timeline, and Map.
  • Templates: get access to 200+ premade templates for different use cases and industries, including marketing, software development, HR, accounting, and more.
  • Integrations: access seamless integration with 40 of the tools and apps you already use.
  • Security: get access to enterprise-level security on all plans.

And many more.

To get a thorough description of our features, visit our product overview page.

How does pricing work?

Compared to Freshworks,’s pricing is pretty straightforward.

We offer 4 paid plans:

  • Basic: for small businesses wanting to optimize workflows.
  • Standard: for growing teams looking for advanced collaboration features.
  • Pro: for organizations wanting to streamline complex workflows through AI.
  • Enterprise: for enterprise-level corporations handling multiple teams and workflows.

Your final pricing will depend on the size of your team and the features you need. To get a more complete understanding of our pricing structure, we suggest you visit our pricing page.

Choosing the right software for your work

With our fully customizable interface, you can build any type of digital workspace with ease.

To check out for yourself, why don’t you try our project plan template and experience the power of a true Work OS?

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Eliana is a marketer and storyteller who uses her diverse industry experience to create compelling content. A Texas native and current Telavivian, she’s finding her place somewhere between BBQ tacos and falafel pitas.
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