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Product development life cycle

What are Scrum metrics and how do they improve project management?

Stephanie Trovato 16 min read
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Scrum metrics quantitatively track a team’s performance, offering insights into productivity and project efficiency.

Scrum methodology, a key component of agile project development, breaks projects into short, focused work cycles called sprints. Scrum metrics help teams and stakeholders understand how effectively these sprints are progressing and where improvements can be made.

With these metrics, you’ll spot workflow hiccups before they become roadblocks, forecast your team’s capacity with uncanny accuracy, and make choices that propel your projects forward.

This article explores ten essential scrum metrics, how to improve them, and where they best apply to enhance your development process. We also introduce monday dev as the perfect platform to help you enhance these metrics within your development process.

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Why are Scrum metrics important?

  • They establish clear baselines: Scrum metrics provide objective data on project progress, setting benchmarks for team performance. These baselines keep everyone honest, highlighting achievements and areas needing improvement while fostering a culture of transparency and shared responsibility.
  • They optimize workflow: By tracking the flow of work through your development process, Scrum metrics help teams identify bottlenecks and streamline their efforts. This optimization ensures that your team’s energy is focused on delivering maximum value with minimum waste.
  • They guide content prioritization: These metrics help teams focus on creating and delivering the most valuable content and features. They answer critical questions like “Are we producing the right content?” and “Does our effort align with company goals?”
  • They enable agile pivots: Consistently tracking Scrum metrics allows teams to identify trends, anticipate challenges, and make informed decisions. This data-driven approach helps teams pivot quickly when necessary, keeping projects on track in the fast-paced dev world.
  • They bridge communication gaps: Scrum metrics translate complex development concepts into clear, understandable progress indicators. This common language helps stakeholders grasp the value of your team’s efforts, improving cross-functional collaboration between technical and non-technical team members.

10 Scrum metric examples

These scrum metrics will help you track progress, improve efficiency, and deliver stellar results.

1. Velocity

Velocity measures the amount of work a team completes during a sprint.

How to calculate: Sum up the story points or other work units completed in a sprint.

Why it’s important: Velocity helps you predict how much work your team can handle in future sprints, making planning more accurate.

How to use it effectively:

  • Track velocity over multiple sprints to establish a reliable average
  • Use it as a planning tool, not a performance metric
  • Adjust sprint workloads based on past velocity

Potential pitfalls:

  • Comparing velocities between different teams
  • Pushing teams to increase velocity at the expense of quality

2. Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction gauges how well your product meets user expectations.

How to calculate: Collect feedback through surveys, interviews, or Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Why it’s important: It ensures you deliver value to your customers and guides product improvements.

How to use it effectively:

  • Regularly collect and analyze customer feedback
  • Use insights to prioritize backlog items
  • Share results with the team to motivate continuous improvement

Potential pitfalls:

  • Relying solely on numerical scores without considering qualitative feedback
  • Ignoring negative feedback or outliers

Read more about how to measure and improve your customer satisfaction here.

3. Sprint burndown

Sprint burndown visualizes the amount of work remaining in a sprint over time.

example of monday dev dashboard showing a sprint burndown

How to calculate: Plot remaining work against time in a chart, updating daily.

Why it’s important: It provides a quick visual reference for sprint progress and helps identify potential delays early.

How to use it effectively:

  • Update the chart daily during stand-ups
  • Use it to spark discussions about obstacles or needed adjustments
  • Celebrate when the team is ahead of schedule

Potential pitfalls:

  • Focusing too much on the ideal burndown line
  • Neglecting to update the chart regularly

4. Cycle time

Cycle time measures how long it takes to complete a single task from start to finish.

How to calculate: Subtract the start time from the completion time for each task.

Why it’s important: It helps identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflow.

How to use it effectively:

  • Track cycle time for different types of tasks
  • Look for patterns or trends in longer cycle times
  • Use insights to streamline your process

Potential pitfalls:

  • Pressuring team members to reduce cycle time at the expense of quality
  • Not accounting for task complexity when comparing cycle times

5. Lead time

Lead time measures the total time from when a task is created to completion.

How to calculate: Subtract the task creation date from the completion date.

Why it’s important: It gives insight into your overall process speed and efficiency.

How to use it effectively:

  • Compare lead times for different types of work
  • Use it to set realistic expectations for stakeholders
  • Identify areas where you can reduce wait times

Potential pitfalls:

  • Confusing lead time with cycle time
  • Not considering external factors that may impact lead time

6. Defect density

Defect density measures the number of defects per unit of work (e.g., per story point or function point).

How to calculate: Divide the number of defects by the size of the work unit.

Why it’s important: It helps assess the quality of your team’s output and identifies areas needing improvement.

How to use it effectively:

  • Track defect density over time to spot trends
  • Use it to prioritize areas for quality improvement
  • Celebrate decreases in defect density

Potential pitfalls:

  • Focusing solely on reducing defect numbers without considering their severity
  • Using it to compare different types of projects or teams

7. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS measures customer loyalty and satisfaction on a scale of -100 to 100.

How to calculate:

  • Ask customers, “How likely are you to recommend our product?” on a scale of 0-10.
  • Calculate percentages:
    • Promoters: % of scores 9-10
    • Detractors: % of scores 0-6
  • NPS = % Promoters – % Detractors
  • Example: 60% Promoters – 15% Detractors = NPS of 45

Why it’s important: It provides a simple, standardized measure of customer satisfaction and potential for growth.

How to use it effectively:

  • Track NPS over time to measure improvement
  • Analyze feedback from detractors to identify areas for improvement
  • Use promoter feedback to highlight your product’s strengths

Potential pitfalls:

  • Relying solely on the numerical score without considering qualitative feedback
  • Comparing your NPS to companies in different industries

8. Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement measures the team’s ability to enhance processes or products over time.

How to calculate: Track the number of improvement initiatives implemented per sprint or the impact of these improvements.

Why it’s important: It fosters a culture of ongoing enhancement and adaptation.

How to use it effectively:

  • Encourage team members to suggest improvements regularly
  • Implement and track the impact of improvement initiatives
  • Celebrate successful improvements to motivate the team

Potential pitfalls:

  • Focusing on the quantity of improvements rather than their impact
  • Neglecting to follow up on implemented improvements

9. Team happiness

Team happiness gauges the overall satisfaction and morale of your scrum team.

How to calculate: Use regular surveys or feedback sessions to collect data on team satisfaction.

Why it’s important: Happy teams are more productive, creative, and likely to produce high-quality work.

How to use it effectively:

  • Conduct regular anonymous surveys
  • Discuss results openly in retrospectives
  • Take action on feedback to show the team their input is valued

Potential pitfalls:

  • Ignoring or dismissing negative feedback
  • Not maintaining anonymity in feedback collection

10. Escaped defects

Escaped defects are bugs or issues found after the product has been released.

How to calculate: Count the number of defects reported by users post-release.

Why it’s important: It helps assess the effectiveness of your quality assurance process.

How to use it effectively:

  • Track escaped defects over time to measure QA improvement
  • Analyze the nature of escaped defects to improve testing processes
  • Use the data to justify investments in quality assurance

Potential pitfalls:

  • Blaming individuals for escaped defects
  • Not distinguishing between minor and critical escaped defects
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5 strategies for improving your Scrum metrics

Improving scrum metrics requires a systematic approach. Here’s how to enhance your metrics effectively:

Set clear goals and review metrics regularly

Make metric review a key part of your sprint retrospectives. Set specific, measurable (SMART) goals for each metric and track progress over time. This approach keeps your team focused and motivated.

Example: If your velocity has been inconsistent, set a goal to stabilize it within a 10% range over the next three sprints. Review progress at each retrospective and adjust your planning accordingly.

Use metrics for informed decision-making

Let your metrics guide your choices. When deciding, look at relevant data to inform your approach.

Example: If your cycle time for bug fixes is consistently high, you may allocate more resources to testing or implement pair programming to reduce defects.

Implement feedback loops

Implement feedback loops in your scrum process to create a continuous improvement cycle. Use the insights from your metrics to make changes, then measure the impact of those changes.

To implement effective feedback loops:

  • Collect data consistently
  • Analyze trends regularly
  • Propose and implement changes based on insights
  • Measure the impact of changes
  • Repeat the process

Example: After each sprint, use the sprint burndown chart to discuss what can be improved in the next sprint. This makes the feedback timely and directly relevant to the team’s current challenges.

Balance quantitative metrics with qualitative feedback

While numbers are important, don’t forget the human element. Combine your quantitative metrics with qualitative feedback from team members and stakeholders.

Tips for gathering qualitative feedback:

  • Conduct regular one-on-one check-ins
  • Use anonymous surveys for sensitive topics
  • Encourage open discussion in retrospectives

Example: Team happiness might not be fully captured through surveys alone—regular, open discussions can provide deeper insights into team morale and satisfaction.

Leverage tools for accurate tracking

Use powerful scrum tools like monday dev to automate metric tracking and ensure accuracy.

With the right tools, you can:

  • Visualize metrics in real-time dashboards
  • Set up automated alerts for metric thresholds
  • Generate comprehensive reports for stakeholders

Key Scrum events

Each scrum event offers a unique opportunity to collect and analyze metrics, ensuring continuous improvement throughout the agile process.

Sprint planning

Sprint planning initiates the sprint by setting the work to be done based on the team’s capacity and the product backlog.

Relation to metrics: Uses velocity to determine sprint capacity and prioritizes backlog items based on customer satisfaction or business value.

Tips for maximizing effectiveness:

  • Review velocity trends to set realistic sprint goals
  • Use customer satisfaction data to inform prioritization
  • Set clear acceptance criteria for each item to improve the definition of “done”

Daily standups

Daily standups are quick meetings where team members discuss what they did yesterday, what they will do today, and any blockers they face.

Relation to metrics: Provides daily updates for the sprint burndown chart and helps identify potential delays early.

Tips for maximizing effectiveness:

  • Keep it short and focused (15 minutes max)
  • Use the burndown chart as a visual aid
  • Address obstacles immediately to maintain velocity
  • Celebrate progress to boost team morale

Sprint reviews

Sprint reviews are meetings at the end of each sprint where the team presents completed work to stakeholders.

Relation to metrics: Influences customer satisfaction scores and provides data for velocity calculations.

Tips for maximizing effectiveness:

  • Present completed work in terms of value delivered, not just features completed
  • Collect immediate feedback to inform customer satisfaction metrics
  • Use the review to refine upcoming backlog items based on stakeholder input
  • Celebrate successes to boost team happiness


Retrospectives are meetings held at the end of each sprint to reflect on what went well, what didn’t, and how processes can be improved.

example of monday dev dashboard showing retrospectives

Relation to metrics: Crucial for the continuous improvement metric and can impact all other metrics.

Tips for maximizing effectiveness:

  • Review all relevant metrics and discuss trends
  • Encourage open, honest feedback (remember the importance of psychological safety!)
  • Focus on actionable improvements, not just discussing problems
  • Follow up on action items from previous retrospectives
  • Use techniques like “Start, Stop, Continue” to structure the discussion

How monday dev enhances Scrum metrics

As product development teams strive to improve their scrum processes, they often find themselves juggling multiple platforms and struggling to keep everyone on the same page. That’s where a unified solution like monday dev comes into play. This powerful and user-friendly platform integrates seamlessly with essential tools like GitHub, GitLab, and Figma to keep your entire project in one place.

example of monday dev dashboard showing all the integrations it offers


  • Seamless integrations: Sync your work effortlessly with monday dev’s integrations for GitHub, GitLab, Figma, and more. Keep your entire project in one place, eliminating the need to switch between multiple tools and ensuring everyone stays updated.

  • Connect everything: Sync your design and development tasks directly within monday dev. Updates in your codebase or designs reflect instantly in your project timelines and dashboards, keeping everything transparent and traceable without the hassle.

  • Sprint management made simple: Plan, track, and adjust your sprints all within monday dev. The platform’s sprint management tools let you see your team’s progress in real time and make quick adjustments to keep projects on track.

spring management table within monday platform

  • Advanced kanban boards: Customize Kanban boards to fit your workflow. Use them to spot bottlenecks quickly, keep tasks moving, and maintain high productivity levels.

example of monday dev dashboard showing a kan ban board

  • A clear big picture: monday dev gives you a clear overview of your product from start to finish. Track every stage, integrate feedback at any point, and continuously improve your product based on real user insights.

These are just a few of the ways monday dev can help enhance your scrum metrics. Take a trial below to explore the platform’s full functionality and learn how it can support your next sprint.

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Mastering Scrum metrics for Agile success

Effectively managing scrum metrics is key to steering your team toward agile success. These metrics clearly show how your team is performing, highlighting strengths and areas needing improvement. By implementing scrum principles, each sprint becomes a vital step toward enhancing project outcomes.

monday dev simplifies the tracking of scrum metrics by centralizing them on one intuitive platform. This integration transforms scattered data into actionable insights, freeing up your time to focus on smashing project goals.

Ready to optimize your agile processes? Let monday dev show you the way.


Ideally, review scrum metrics at the end of each sprint during retrospectives. This regular check ensures your team remains aligned with the project goals and identifies any areas needing adjustment.

The difference between lead time and cycle time is that lead time measures the interval from when a task is first requested to when it is completely finished. Where in contrast, cycle time starts only when the team actually begins working on the task and ends when the task is completed.

Scrum metrics can absolutely be used in non-software projects. They're valuable in any project that benefits from agile principles, including marketing, manufacturing, and event planning. The key is adaptability and a focus on iterative progress.

To avoid too much focus on metrics at the expense of delivering value, always connect your metrics back to real-world outcomes and customer value. Metrics should inform and guide decision-making, not dominate it. Ensure that your team understands the purpose behind the metrics and uses them to enhance, rather than constrain, creativity and innovation.

In the event of consistently poor metrics, first, diagnose the underlying issues. Look for patterns that indicate process inefficiencies or resource mismatches. Adjust your strategies accordingly and consider whether additional training or resources are necessary. monday dev can help identify these patterns and facilitate more informed decision-making.

monday dev provides comprehensive tools for visualizing, tracking, and analyzing scrum metrics. With features like customizable dashboards, integrated time tracking, and automated alerts, monday dev makes it easy to keep your finger on the pulse of your projects, ensuring that you're always moving toward your strategic goals.

Stephanie Trovato is a seasoned Content Strategy Director and freelance B2B copywriter with over a decade of experience in the industry. She crafts compelling narratives for major platforms like Oracle, Gartner, and ADP, blending deep industry insights with innovative communication strategies. When she's not shaping the voice of businesses or driving engagement through precision-targeted content, you'll find her brainstorming fresh ideas for her next big project!
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