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How to not get distracted, Q&A with best-selling...

With technology entering all aspects of our lives, our struggle with distraction is harder than ever to overcome. People around the world are desperately searching for... | 9 min read


5 ways for new managers to improve team performance

In some ways, becoming a new manager is like becoming a new parent. Thankfully, dirty diapers aren’t one of them, but other parallels are aplenty. When you become both...

Brittany Berger | 5 min read

Project management
Project management

Developing a strategic plan for your PMO

In talking about the challenges project management offices (PMOs) face in doing effective strategic planning, Mark Price Perry recalls a conversation he’s had hundreds...

Peter Giffen | 8 min read


How to achieve greater productivity by using the bullet...

When it comes to boosting productivity, you probably know there are a wide range of great productivity systems to choose from. One of the more increasingly popular...

Kaleigh Moore | 9 min read

How to Build a More Agile Workplace

How to Build a More Agile Workplace

Software is changing the world, and the way it is developed is changing how we work.With a marketplace that can shift according to customer whim during the development...

Raphael Landau | 5 min read


The 12 week year: a time management system

Have trouble thinking about the future? Does it seem so far away that it’s not all that important? The 12 week year might be just the thing you need. This time...

Kaleigh Moore | 7 min read


How leaders can create a culture of innovation

Innovation drives us forward. From DNA sequencing to electric cars to the smartphone in your hand, we’ve seen a dizzying array of innovations over the past few... | 5 min read

Remote work
Skype alternatives
Remote work

Top 6 Skype alternatives for businesses

If there’s an OG of voice over IP services, Skype is it. The software was one of the first video conferencing apps to become a household name, which is why so many of...

Brittany Berger | 9 min read


How to break down functional silos in your organization...

Silos are good for grains, but have no place in your business’s hierarchy. Has your company ever had two departments stuck in an internal tug of war? Does your...

Brittany Berger | 7 min read

Product development life cycle
Everything you need to know about Scrumban
Product development life cycle

Everything you need to know about Scrumban

When it comes to Agile project management methodologies, Scrumban is the new kid on the block. But it’s not 100% unique — its catchy combo name and concepts come...

David Hartshorne | 14 min read


How to stop being overwhelmed at work

Most of us have felt overwhelmed at work at one point or another. It might have been caused by something as minor as receiving one too many emails, or it could’ve been...

Kaleigh Moore | 9 min read


How to get motivated to work

Getting motivated at work is often easier said than done. Sure, you might have the best intentions, but then three hours have passed and you’ve accomplished nothing....

Kaleigh Moore | 8 min read


How to run mutually beneficial one-on-one meetings

Why are one-on-one meetings so often avoided? Managers know they’re supposed to have regular one-on-one’s, but many find these meetings to be awkward,... | 6 min read


5 helpful tips for overcoming mental blocks

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t think clearly, no matter how hard you tried? Maybe you were in the middle of making an important decision or solving a difficult...

Kaleigh Moore | 9 min read

Top 15 workflow management software tools for your business

Guide for effective workflow management

Managing your workflows can feel like trying to untangle a ball of yarn, only to realize there’s yet another knot waiting for you. When you’re stuck in a web of...

Rebecca Noori | 5 min read

Project management
How blockchain will change project management
Project management

How blockchain will change project management

If you think about blockchain, it’s usually in relation to cryptocurrency, like bitcoin, where the technology ensures secure, speedy, identity-protected transactions...

Peter Giffen | 7 min read

6 Productivity Systems You Should Know

6 Productivity Systems You Should Know

Search “productivity books” and you will get results like the below. These are actual article headlines. 30 Best Productivity Books You Should Read To Boost...

DJ Waldow | 9 min read


How to improve productivity with time batching

Do you ever try working on a project but find it hard to stay focused? Next thing you know, you’re taking frequent breaks to scroll through your social media. Do...

Kaleigh Moore | 7 min read

Remote work
Slack vs. Teams: which is the best chat app?
Remote work

Slack vs. Teams: which is the best chat app?

Slack and Microsoft Teams are both web-based collaboration software tools that offer chat, shared workspaces, automated notifications, and various forms of communication...

Kaleigh Moore | 8 min read

Product development life cycle
Defeating the power of dark Scrum
Product development life cycle

Defeating the power of dark Scrum

Agile web developer and interaction designer Roger Saner recalls how he was once “forced to do dark scrum.” Working with a scrum team tasked with integrating with a...

Peter Giffen | 6 min read


Why great managers focus on outcomes, not output

Does your to-do list today give you a full picture of the scope of your job? Does it accurately portray the responsibilities you hold and the impact you have—both on...

Brittany Berger | 8 min read

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