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What is the best Clarizen alternative for you? 7 min read
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You know you need a project management tool that will be an all-in-one suite to manage your team, projects, and everything in between.

But adopting a new solution may be something you find challenging. Just the thought of using a new content management strategy or changing your spreadsheet formulas can result in nightmares about painful training sessions and team riots, we get it!

It’s like refusing to replace your old rust-mobile, just because you are too scared to let it go.

Whether Clarizen is your current tool or a new option you’re considering, you’re obviously still on the fence, or you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at Clarizen and a great Clarizen alternative we call, so you can be comfortable that your final choice will be a dream come true instead of a waking nightmare.


First things first: What is Clarizen?

Clarizen is a project management and planning tool built for enterprise organizations. It’s a platform that is relatively quick to set up and easy to navigate.

Clarizen comes with the ability to set project end dates and deliverables so that it not only allows you to get your creative projects in order but also keeps you up-to-date with your project progress.

With an intuitive user interface that will motivate you to get started, you can count on Clarizen’s responsiveness and its features to see you through your projects.

Some of these features include:

  • Task lists, Kanban boards, and Gantt charts
  • Messaging and collaboration tools
  • Portfolio view for an overview of all your projects at once

Like other online project management software, Clarizen allows you to create your own project templates and add milestones where necessary.

With this project progress tool, you can quickly take a look at the projects that are on track and those that may be slipping.

What’s a good alternative to Clarizen?

While Clarizen supports enterprises, it’s not available to smaller businesses or teams. The only plans offered are Enterprise Edition and Unlimited Edition.

If your business isn’t enterprise-level, or if you’re looking for a more flexible and user-friendly tool, Clarizen might not be the right fit for you.

One popular alternative that solves both of these problems is

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What is is not just a project management tool, it’s so much more than that.

Simply put, is a Work OS. It is a centralized workspace for every single person within your organization.’s intuitive platform offers a transparent yet flexible way to organize your workflow.

Arguably, this is the most versatile tool that you will find in the market.

Plus, apart from managing all of your projects in the most comprehensive way, you can also use this Work OS as a CRM of choice.

It will manage your customer projects while managing your ads campaign, tasks, and every other aspect of your business.

The hundreds of free project templates that come with are perhaps one of the most popular features. Needless to say, there is nothing more convenient than being able to quickly and easily build out your system as soon as you set up your account.

Whatever work you need help with, has got you covered! We have found that teams across the world use for just about everything.

Whether you’re a small start-up looking for a better way to organize tasks, or a huge enterprise trying to improve visibility of your overall project portfolio, has the features you need.

All the information that goes on a portfolio

All the phenomenal power with none of the painful user interfaces.

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What are the differences between and Clarizen?

Arguably the biggest difference between Clarizen and is versatility. was designed with agility and diversity in mind, where Clarizen focuses more on enterprise-level functionality. offers a visually-enhanced and robust way of handling projects since we at understand the importance of flexibility and teams being able to work in whatever way is most convenient for you.

But the easy organization of tasks is not all that you get with In fact, this is just a water drop in the ocean of goodness. also comes with these amazing capabilities:

  • Plenty of built-in communication features for seamless team collaboration
  • Tons of project views, including timeline, Kanban board, Gantt chart, and more
  • The ability to work across all devices (PC, Mac, iOS, and android) so teams can connect from anywhere, at any time

In addition to this, our Work OS provides vast integration with business tools that you use every day like Zoom, Slack, and Dropbox.

Clarizen alternatives FAQ

Let’s take a look at the answers to a few of the most commonly-asked questions around Clarizen and Clarizen alternatives.

How do you use Clarizen?

Clarizen is meant to be used by enterprise teams looking to manage their business practices and multiple projects. To understand its functionality and learn more about using the tool, you’ll have to contact the sales team for a demo — there is no free trial offered.

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What are PMO tools?

PMO tools are software platforms designed to aid your company’s Project Management Office (PMO).

Before we dive into PMO tools, it’s best to answer the question, “what is a PMO?”

Your Project Management Office is a department within your company that bears responsibility for the oversight and management of all projects. While some manage projects directly, others define and track KPIs, creating a project management standard company wide.

A PMO tool makes it easy to adopt best practices set by the PMO throughout the organization.

PMO tools should be effective in the following areas:

  • Project documentation
  • Project roadmapping
  • High-level project planning
  • Management of resources
  • Feature or product backlog
  • Creating real-time KPI reports and dashboards

PMO tools are important because they connect the PMO with the rest of your company. While Clarizen can be a capable PMO tool for an enterprise level company, we believe just gets the job done better for companies of all sizes.

With as your PMO solution, you’ll be able to create and maintain an interconnected PMO with unprecedented levels of transparency for all projects. On top of that, managers will have full access to the functionality they require in order to take total control over a project.

Get started with the right Clarizen alternative for you

As you can see, Clarizen is a capable enterprise-level solution, but there are alternatives out there.

If you are looking for a platform that offers much more than basic collaboration, is a Clarizen alternative that we think you should try out.

Features like fully customizable templates and workflow automation will help you keep everything in check and ultimately, scale your business needs.

Check out our project management templates to get a taste of what can do for you.

Want to know more about and how it can impact your business? Contact us today.

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The information provided in this article is accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication. Changes and updates in the business operations, policies, or any other relevant factors may occur after publication and we encourage readers to verify any information directly.
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