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How to help employees work effectively in hybrid environments 6 min read
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Today’s hybrid working environments present many challenges. Collaborating with workers who may be either in the same office as you or working remotely requires a systematic approach. Maintaining a good work/life balance when some people are in different time zones is something many workers struggle with, but the right tools and working habits can help you stay focused and productive, wherever (and whenever) you’re working. With so many distractions today, it’s essential to learn how to work effectively, not just “work harder.”

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What does it mean to work effectively and efficiently?

Working effectively means using your working hours as efficiently as possible so you finish the tasks that are assigned to you. Someone who works effectively doesn’t necessarily work longer hours than their coworkers or work harder during their working hours. Rather, they schedule their time more effectively, so they get their assigned jobs done without burning out.

A person who works effectively knows how to pick the most important tasks to work on if they’re faced with a long list of things to do and know that some jobs may have to fall by the wayside. They’ll spend more time on the jobs that have the highest impact, producing more value for the organization over the course of the working day while creating less stress for themselves. Often, the difference between someone who works effectively and someone who struggles to be productive is the toolchain, or Work OS, they’re using to manage their workload.

Why is working effectively important?

Working effectively benefits the company and the employee. When deadlines are looming and there’s pressure to get things done, try to find ways to break down that big to-do-list into something more manageable. Using distraction-free document editing software, to-do list apps, and other productivity aids can help you avoid distractions. Many people find they’re more productive when they focus on one task at a time, rather than switching between tasks as notifications or alerts come in, for example.

Small changes to how you work can make people:

  • More productive
  • Less stressed
  • Less likely to burn out

But how can people build work habits that help them stay productive and avoid distractions?

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How can you help people work more effectively?

One of the biggest barriers to working effectively is the information overload people are faced with. Turning off email and social media notifications can have a larger impact on your productivity over the course of the working day than you might expect. The American Psychological Association notes that “task switching” puts us under increased cognitive load. Switching tasks can create mental blocks that can cost as much as 40% of a person’s productive time.

It’s easier to work effectively in a distraction-free environment, with access to the right tools for the job.

Freelance workers and those who work for SMEs may find that making the switch from informal tools to a Work OS designed with productivity in mind helps them a lot. Because these tools are made specifically with the idea of keeping all your data in one place and streamlining reporting processes, they offer a lot of time-saving features and can make customer service and record keeping more accurate too.

Managers can help their teams work more efficiently by providing them with the right tools for the job. For example,’s Work OS includes tools for businesses of all sizes to increase productivity and remove friction, including:

  • Dashboards that include all the information needed in one easy view
  • Simple reporting tools that save time and hassle
  • Project management tools to keep team members and managers informed
  • CRM tools that make tracking customer interactions simpler and more efficient

Let’s consider the example of a CRM system. Tracking customer service interactions spread across multiple channels (such as email and social media) becomes much easier when all the data is recorded in one place, rather than spread over several sources. The CRM system also has the added benefit of being a self-contained workspace with none of the distractions of a cluttered email inbox or a busy social media feed, so customer service or sales workers can focus on their job without getting side-tracked by other messages.

Using a CRM has many benefits for both the organization and the customers. Sales teams can focus on one task at a time and have access to all the information they need in one interface.’s CRM tools cut down on the amount of time it takes to get up to speed on previous interactions with a customer and make it easier to send professional-looking emails, too.  Since everything’s in one place, the amount of time it takes to respond to each inquiry or ticket is greatly reduced.

Having the right tools for a complex workflow is essential for any position, but it becomes particularly important for those who are part of a team.

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How do you work effectively in a team?

When you’re part of a team and each person in the team depends on information or output from others to get their job done effectively, dedicating time to communication becomes essential. However, the communication must be purposeful. If meetings aren’t focused and properly managed, they can become a waste of time. Effective teamwork requires:

  • Transparency: Every team member should have access to the information they need.
  • Support: Recognize team members when they do good work. Create a culture of cooperation rather than competition.
  • Structure: Hold meetings at the same times of day, and choose one app for communication to keep things in one place. Setting clear expectations helps people stay organized.
  • Empowerment: When team members feel trusted to make decisions and have the skills and knowledge required to do so, they’ll respond better to changes and challenges.
  • Respect: Some disagreements are inevitable. Successful teams are ones where people communicate respectfully and learn from those disagreements.

As teams grow, the processes that worked for a smaller team may no longer be suitable. Check in regularly with your team members to learn what challenges they’re facing and how you might help them stay productive.

Beat stress by working smarter

If you’re struggling to manage your time or you have employees that seem to be overwhelmed by their workload, it’s easy to make the mistake of assuming overtime is the answer. Often, the secret to getting more done isn’t spending more time working, but rather creating a distraction-free environment and being selective about the tasks you’re dedicating time to. Take a look at the project management tools from and see how they can help you streamline your team’s workflow.

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