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Project management

An introduction to managing IT projects

Alicia Schneider 7 min read
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The success of IT projects depends on effective project management. That said, surveys show that one out of four project managers claim that they don’t have the right tools to allow for collaborative work between teams when working on projects.

IT projects are no different than other types when it comes to project management. IT project managers may need to be more selective on the type of project management methodology to use (we’ll get into those soon), but at its core, IT projects require a strong plan, the right methodology, and reliable tools in order to succeed.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to IT project management and have a look into the phases of creating your own as well as different methods to employ. Then, we’ll look at why makes for a versatile and indispensable project management tool.

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What is IT project management?

IT project management is the process of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific IT project objectives. It involves the coordination and integration of multiple project activities, including scope definition, resource planning, scheduling, cost management, quality control, risk assessment, troubleshooting, and communication.

The 5 phases of IT projects

IT projects can be complex to plan and manage. Fortunately, there are distinct phases of IT projects that can be used to structure and guide development.

Understanding the phases of IT projects can help organizations successfully complete projects on time and within budget.

IT projects phases

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1. Initiation

In this phase, IT project managers will define the scope and objectives of the project and lay the groundwork for the success of the project. During this phase, a project team is established and project stakeholders are identified. The team will define the project requirements, set goals, and identify potential risks and issues that could arise.

2. Planning

During this phase, the project team will create a detailed plan for the project, including tasks, timeline, budget, resources, and deliverables. The project plan also outlines the methods and processes that will be used to ensure the project is successful.

3. Execution

In the execution phase, the team will coordinate tasks, assign resources, and track progress against the project plan. This phase also involves testing and verifying the developed system to ensure it meets the requirements of the project.

4. Monitoring

The monitoring phase is an ongoing process that allows the project team to identify any potential risks or issues that may arise during the project. Project managers will regularly track the progress of the project and make necessary adjustments to ensure it’s completed on time and within budget.

5. Closure

The closure phase is the final step in any IT project. During this phase, the project team will review the project, document any lessons learned, and close it out. In the closure phase, teams can also release any resources used during the project and ensure that all deliverables have been met.

IT project management methodologies

Project management statistics show that only 61% of project managers apply a specific methodology to each project. The success of any IT project depends on the management methodology used, and not using one can result in lost time and exceeding your budget. In fact, companies that spend $1 million or more on projects fail 50% more than those that spend $350,000 or less.

Using the best methodology to suit your project’s needs brings you closer to your objectives and helps keep your project within budget. Here are a few to consider.


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The waterfall methodology is a step-by-step approach in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of a project. This methodology is used for projects that have well-defined requirements and focuses on the completion of one phase before moving to the next.

The waterfall methodology consists of five distinct phases: requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. Each phase has its own set of tasks that must be completed before moving on.


agile methodology

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Agile project management focuses on delivering working solutions quickly by breaking down tasks into short, iterative cycles known as sprints. At the start of each sprint, teams identify their goals and then work to complete them, enabling them to quickly review and adjust as needed.

A key attribute of agile project management is continuous improvement. Teams use feedback from stakeholders and users to identify areas of improvement and incorporate it into the next sprint, ensuring what they’re delivering is of the highest quality. The focus on delivering solutions quickly makes agile project management a great choice for projects with tight deadlines.


kanban methodology

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Kanban is a project management methodology that uses visual boards to track tasks and manage workflow. Each task is represented by a card on a Kanban board, which contains the task name, description, priority, and other information. Cards are organized into columns for different project stages and as they’re completed, they’re moved from one column to the next.

This methodology is designed to be adaptable to a team’s individual needs. It emphasizes collaboration and communication between team members and encourages them to identify and address obstacles as they arise. Productivity tools such as have Kanban boards integrated into the platform, so you can manage IT projects and other workflows from one place.

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Power your IT projects with

With so many different project management methodologies, it can be tricky to know which tools to use to get your team on the same page. One team might be working on a different project than another one, each one using a different methodology. allows teams to work collaboratively on IT projects and enables them to automate repetitive project management tasks and work more efficiently. Here are a few key features that make it ideal for IT projects.

Kanban boards kanban board

Create your own customizable Kanban boards for your IT projects. Get a clear overview of where tasks are and who is working on them so you better control your project.

Create IT project roadmaps project roadmap

Project roadmaps allow your team to organize timelines and deliverables in one view. This type of overview helps communication as each team member knows what they’re responsible for and what others are working on. includes project roadmap templates that are quick and easy to set up.

Create an IT project breakdown structure project work breakdown structure

Work breakdown structures help you create manageable workflows for your team and allow managers to monitor a project’s progress. This type of board can be adapted for use with different IT project management methodologies, such as waterfall.

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What does an IT project manager do?

An IT project manager is responsible for leading and managing IT projects from start to finish. This includes developing project plans, managing resources, defining and managing project deliverables, monitoring project costs, and resolving conflicts and issues that arise.

Why do IT projects fail?

IT projects can fail for many reasons, including inadequate resources, lack of clear communication, unrealistic expectations, poor planning, outdated technology, and inadequate testing.

What is an example of IT project management?

An example of IT project management is the development of a new website. This would involve setting up a project plan and timeline, assigning tasks to team members, establishing a budget and timeline, and monitoring progress.

IT project management made easy

With so many moving parts when it comes to managing the launch of software or other IT products, staying on top of a project can seem overwhelming. However, with the right tools, your team can work in a more structured way, allowing managers to oversee projects as they move along. is a tool that helps managers and their teams accomplish this without complicating projects any further.

Alicia is an accomplished tech writer focused on SaaS, digital marketing, and AI. With nearly a decade of writing experience and a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, she has a knack for turning complex jargon into engaging content that helps companies connect with audiences.
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