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How to use Agile meetings to speed up your projects

How to use Agile meetings to speed up your projects

We know what you’re thinking. Agile = Flexible. But no, Agile meetings have nothing to do with Yoga....

8 min read


3 step cycle to improve work performance

Most people only think about their work performance during an annual performance appraisal, which in most...

6 min read


Should you work during lunch?

Ah, the age old question about the lunch hour: To work, or not to work. While scarfing down a sandwich in...

7 min read


How to hack Parkinson’s Law to boost productivity

Have you ever been part of a week-long project that becomes increasingly complex, forcing you to work through...

5 min read


What music makes you productive at work?

If you’ve ever found yourself in a groove or state of flow, you know first hand that the right mood can...

6 min read


Make the switch to stop multitasking

Are you reading this blog post while preparing your coffee? Or maybe you have a few different tabs...

6 min read


How to plan out your work week

During any given week, you likely have a lot on your plate. And it’s easy to get overwhelmed, to get so...

7 min read


Keep scope creep from undermining your project

Scope creep can happen to even the most diligent workers. “We fell deeper and deeper into redeveloping...

12 min read

Illustration of meeting notes and pencil

How to take better meeting notes

Have you ever sat diligently through a company meeting, only to forget what you discussed the moment you...

8 min read


Achieving inbox zero is easier than you think

There are two types of people in the world: Those who keep their inboxes organized, and those with 250 unread...

8 min read


How to not get distracted, Q&A with best-selling...

With technology entering all aspects of our lives, our struggle with distraction is harder than ever to...

9 min read


How to achieve greater productivity by using the bullet...

When it comes to boosting productivity, you probably know there are a wide range of great productivity...

9 min read