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AI email generator: Best practices for sales teams

Rebecca Noori 7 min read
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AI has infiltrated multiple aspects of our personal and professional lives. We use the technology to play our favorite music, log into our phones using Face ID, and even drive our cars. Since Chat-GPT was released to the public in November 2022, businesses have been quickly learning how to adopt generative AI into their operations and workflows, too.

For sales teams, AI email generators enable them to compose personalized sales messages much faster. They no longer spend hours crafting the perfect email—instead, AI can whizz up multiple options in seconds. This guide explores use cases and best practices for using AI to send emails, and we also introduce monday AI assistant to fast-generate your messages.

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What is an AI email generator?

An AI email generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to create entire email messages in a flash. Sales teams might use the technology to craft emails for outreach, marketing campaigns, or customer communication.

The specific features of an AI email generator will vary depending on the platform, but typically, the technology supports with:

  • Writing emails from scratch
  • Editing emails, either polishing human-written or AI-generated copy before sending
  • Generating relevant replies to incoming messages
  • Experimenting with subject lines to see what resonates best with your audience
  • Creating email templates for common scenarios, such as welcome emails or follow-up messages

What are the benefits of using an AI email generator?

Typing emails is second nature to most of us; we’ve been doing it for a while. But even people who can type 70+ words per minute can benefit from using an AI generator for the following reasons:

Time efficiency

It’s a myth that sales teams spend all their time selling. Research from B2B lead generation company Growthonics reveals sales reps spend 60% of their working weeks on emails. Over a month, they lose 31 hours replying to emails and managing their inbox.

AI can save much of this time, affording sales teams more time to spend on strategic tasks, such as relationship-building and closing deals.

Consistent messaging

Part of the sales and marketing experience should be to provide a unified brand voice across all communications, including social media, printed materials, and email. AI makes it easy to streamline your messaging and ensure that your emails reflect your brand’s tone, style, and key messages.

A/B testing

AI can facilitate email A/B testing by automatically generating different versions of emails which you can test to determine which content, subject lines, or calls-to-action are most effective. This data-driven approach to email marketing can lead to higher open and click-through rates, ultimately resulting in more conversions.


An AI email generator makes it easy to personalize email messages, making them more relevant and engaging for the recipient. This could include adding their name and company information or recommending products or services based on past interactions with your brand.

5 use cases for using an AI email generator in sales

Not every email is created equal—there are multiple message types that sales teams send out each week, and your AI email generator can help you craft all of the following:

  • Prospecting emails: Use AI to quickly generate personalized emails to potential customers, introducing your brand and explaining how your product or service can benefit them.
  • Follow-up emails: Stay top-of-mind with prospects by sending timely follow-up messages after initial contact. For example, if you meet someone at a networking event, an AI email generator can help you craft a personalized follow-up to continue the conversation.
  • Re-engagement emails: If you’ve lost touch with a customer, use AI to create a compelling re-engagement email and win them back. You might remind them of past purchases or suggest new products they might be interested in.
  • Product or service announcements: Introduce your email list to your new offering by creating attention-grabbing announcements. Include special offers, images, and strong call-to-actions in your messages to attract attention.
  • Cross-selling or upselling: If your customers have recently purchased something, generate emails suggesting appropriate add-ons to their orders. This is an effective sales technique, with 72% of those who upsell and 74% of those who cross-sell revealing it drives up to 30% of their revenue, according to HubSpot.
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4 best practices for using AI-generated emails

AI is an amazing support tool, but it should never be a substitute for human interaction. Bear the following best practices in mind to combine empathy with technology:

1. Maintain a human tone of voice

Although AI is built using natural language processing, sometimes it can sound a little robotic, so it’s best not to send the first iteration of text any AI tool churns out. Enhance the copy, adding a little flavor or humor where appropriate, and ensure it reads like a real-life person (that’s you!) has crafted it.

2. Always proofread your content before sending

Generative AI often uses in-built spelling and grammar checks to ensure the text is error-free. However, it’s still essential to give your emails a once-over before hitting send, as AI may not catch every mistake or check the email’s tone and style to match your brand’s guidelines.

3. Monitor email metrics

If you’re using AI to write emails, it makes sense to compare them to your handcrafted messages. Check how your AI content stacks up against human-generated content by tracking open rates, conversions, and engagement. From here, you can use the data to improve your AI-generated emails and make them more effective.

4. Know when to send a human response to an email

AI-generated emails are often efficient and effective, but sometimes, you can’t beat a personal touch. For example, if a customer expresses frustration or dissatisfaction, it’s important to respond with empathy and understanding, which is always more authentic when it comes from a human.

monday AI: An essential assistant for sales teams

If you’re ready to explore the power and efficiency offered by AI, monday sales CRM users can experiment with monday AI assistant. Your sales and marketing teams will love the following features:

Built in AI assistant

monday AI assistant is embedded into monday sales CRM. The tool is located within the email and activities app, so there’s no need to hop across to a different software or open new windows to access this groundbreaking technology. You’ll notice an “AI” icon next to the “Send” button within your email window—clicking it will launch monday AI assistant.

An image of monday AI assistant and how it supports sales teams in generating emails.

Compose sales messages

Write or reply to sales messages at the touch of a button. monday AI assistant will suggest some example prompts, like “Share information about a new product that your client may be interested in.” Alternatively, you can create your own commands.

Edit your email messages

If you need a second set of eyes on your content, monday AI assistant can optimize your existing message. Do this as often as needed before you hit “Send.”


monday sales CRM integrates with 72+ tools, including your preferred email and marketing software such as Gmail or Outlook. For example, you might import lead contact data from Mailchimp, then use AI assistant to design a personalized email sequence. integrates with 40+ different tools


Using conditional logic, you can also set up triggers in monday sales CRM to perform an action after a specific event has occurred. For example, after you’ve sent an email using AI assistant to draft your message, you can automate monday sales CRM to notify a team member, or change a task status.

email personalization email automation feature

monday AI assistant is currently in Beta Testing and is gradually being rolled out to selected users in monday sales CRM.

Get started sending high-quality messages to your email list, at speed, by signing up for monday sales CRM below.

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Additional reading:


An AI email generator uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate personalized, on-brand email content that may be tailored to each recipient. Based on training data, AI uses transformer neural networks to predict the next word, sentence, or paragraph in a sequence, ensuring it sounds natural.

The amount of time you’ll save using AI depends on how much time you spend completing equivalent manual tasks. It's worth tracking how many hours of the day or week your sales team spends writing or responding to emails and then tracking the same data after implementing an AI email generator. It's safe to assume that your overall time spent on emails will decrease, and you'll then know how much more time you have to plunge into more strategic tasks.

Each AI email generator in the market offers different features that may align with your email sales and marketing strategy. It’s best to explore several platforms before you find the right fit for your business. However, one top contender is monday AI assistant. Our sophisticated tool combines a rich set of features designed to streamline email generation and improve the quality of your communication.


The information provided in this article is accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication. Changes and updates in the business operations, policies, or any other relevant factors may occur after publication and we encourage readers to verify any information directly.

Rebecca Noori is a veteran content marketer who writes high-converting articles for SaaS and HR Technology companies like UKG, Deel, Nectar HR, and Loom. Her work has also been featured in renowned publications, including Business Insider,, Entrepreneur, and Yahoo News. With a background in IT support, technical Microsoft certifications, and a degree in English, Rebecca excels at turning complex technical topics into engaging, people-focused narratives her readers love to share. Connect with Rebecca at
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