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Peter Giffen

Peter Giffen is a senior writer who often develops content for and about the advanced technology sector.

Posts by this author

Project management

Keep scope creep from undermining your project

Scope creep can happen to even the most diligent workers. “We fell deeper and deeper into redeveloping...

12 min read

Project management

Developing a strategic plan for your PMO

In talking about the challenges project management offices (PMOs) face in doing effective strategic planning,...

8 min read

How blockchain will change project management
Project management

How blockchain will change project management

If you think about blockchain, it’s usually in relation to cryptocurrency, like bitcoin, where the...

7 min read

Project management trends reshaping how we work
Project management

Project management trends reshaping how we work

As new trends in project management (PM) are reshaping how the job is handled, they are also redefining the...

5 min read

6 reasons why distributed teams are the future of work

6 reasons why distributed teams are the future of work

“If you’re not familiar with the idea of ‘distributed teams’ – or virtual teams – yet,...

5 min read