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Brittany Berger

Brittany Berger is a contributor to the blog and freelance writer for SaaS companies. You can follow her on Twitter at @thatbberg

Posts by this author

5 ways for new managers to improve team performance

In some ways, becoming a new manager is like becoming a new parent. Thankfully, dirty diapers aren’t one of...

5 min read

Skype alternatives

Top 6 Skype alternatives for businesses

If there’s an OG of voice over IP services, Skype is it. The software was one of the first video...

9 min read

How to break down functional silos in your organization...

Silos are good for grains, but have no place in your business’s hierarchy. Has your company ever had two...

7 min read

Why great managers focus on outcomes, not output

Does your to-do list today give you a full picture of the scope of your job? Does it accurately portray the...

8 min read

A new manager’s guide to conducting performance...

Anyone who’s seen the movie Office Space has likely developed an unconscious distaste for performance...

5 min read