Want your people to make better decisions and feel a part of the bigger picture. Learn why transparency is so important in this episode.
Want your people to make better decisions and feel a part of the bigger picture. Learn why transparency is so important in this episode.
Employees need three things to keep them happy, according to “The Resilience Lighthouse” model. We discuss them in this video.
Employees need three things to keep them happy, according to “The Resilience Lighthouse” model. We discuss them in this video.
Discover the power of power naps! 20 minutes of shut-eye can improve focus and mood. Learn more in this video, then share it with your manager.
Discover the power of power naps! 20 minutes of shut-eye can improve focus and mood. Learn more in this video, then share it with your manager.
Lessons from user interviews: Talk to people who use your product daily to make it better. And don’t just talk about your product.
Lessons from user interviews: Talk to people who use your product daily to make it better. And don’t just talk about your product.
Sensitive people face challenges, but also have unique strengths. Discover why this 15% of the population can make great managers and employees.
Sensitive people face challenges, but also have unique strengths. Discover why this 15% of the population can make great managers and employees.
Discover interesting work-related facts about different nations! Which country starts work earliest, which stays latest in the office, and more.
Discover interesting work-related facts about different nations! Which country starts work earliest, which stays latest in the office, and more.
What do you look for in a job? Money or purpose? It’s a tough one because they usually don’t overlap. Here’s what people from all around the world think about it.
What do you look for in a job? Money or purpose? It’s a tough one because they usually don’t overlap. Here’s what people from all around the world think about it.
Instead of asking about strengths and weaknesses, ask what a candidate’s direct manager would say about them. Learn this and more insights here.
Instead of asking about strengths and weaknesses, ask what a candidate’s direct manager would say about them. Learn this and more insights here.
Revenge bedtime procrastination: staying up late for “me-time” is affecting work performance. A survey by monday.com showed 68% admit to it.
Revenge bedtime procrastination: staying up late for “me-time” is affecting work performance. A survey by monday.com showed 68% admit to it.
The secret behind procrastination may be deceptively simple: emotions. Watch monday.com employees share their experiences with these feelings.
The secret behind procrastination may be deceptively simple: emotions. Watch monday.com employees share their experiences with these feelings.
Meaning is crucial to individual and organizational success. Hear from psychologolists and monday.com employees about how to find meaning at work.
Meaning is crucial to individual and organizational success. Hear from psychologolists and monday.com employees about how to find meaning at work.
On the brink of burn out? monday.com co-workers and psychologists share insights on burnout, its clinical definition, how it feels, and ways to cope.
On the brink of burn out? monday.com co-workers and psychologists share insights on burnout, its clinical definition, how it feels, and ways to cope.
Toxic positivity can be harmful despite good intentions. In this video monday.com employees talk about what it is and how to avoid it.
Toxic positivity can be harmful despite good intentions. In this video monday.com employees talk about what it is and how to avoid it.
Are you being micromanaged? We hope not. Here are the top ten signs to look out for! Manager? Make sure you’re not using these techniques!
Are you being micromanaged? We hope not. Here are the top ten signs to look out for! Manager? Make sure you’re not using these techniques!
82% of people at monday.com have experienced imposter syndrome. In this episode, you’ll learn about their experiences and how the common syndrome.
82% of people at monday.com have experienced imposter syndrome. In this episode, you’ll learn about their experiences and how the common syndrome.