Warsaw monday.com meetup
Meet our team and learn more about technical challenges we face and how we solve them during our next Warsaw meetup.
This time the meetup will focus on using monday.com to its limits – extending, integrating, hacking.
Interested in knowing how we designed such a flexible platform?
Our speakers and topics:
Unlock the Full Potential of monday.com
– How Custom Solutions Can Streamline Workflows
Jakub and Marlena, our guests from Deviniti, will check if monday.com can meet the complex demands of managing a portfolio of hundreds of projects?
Yes, if we look beyond standard functionalities!
During this presentation, they will explore the technical aspects of creating dedicated solutions based on monday.com’s API and webhooks, enabling automation and unification of processes on an unprecedented scale.
Monday code – secure runtime for monday.com apps
Łukasz will introduce you to monday code, a development platform that enables you to host and run server-side monday apps securely.
It provides a secure, reliable, and scalable hosting solution designed to facilitate widespread app adoption.
In this presentation we will not only walk through the main part of the monday code, but also peek into its architecture and internals.
Building integrations the monday.com way
Integrating with other services can be tricky.
We all know how complex and counterintuitive the documentation can be and how difficult it is to deep dive into external service without having access to it’s internals.
Witold in his presentation will show you how to integrate with monday.com the way we are doing it.
We will focus on the key aspects of creating new Integrations such as Testing, Deployment and Development in a maintainable and scalable way.