To manage and deliver the best care, Mid Yorks needed the right work software.
“As every hospital in the UK has at the moment, we've got a huge push to move to being more digital,” explains Tom Mitchell, Digital Business Change Manager, “and we've got a really good appetite for digital transformation within our organization.”
Even with that appetite, they needed to find the right software fit for Mid Yorks’ needs, says Kat Poole, Associate Director for Digital Services: “We have to be quite flexible, quite adaptable, and we have to be able to work as a team.”
The digital services team outlined Mid Yorks’ opportunities for improvement:
- Visibility: With so many ongoing projects across the org, Mid Yorks lacked a time-efficient way to track it all. Stakeholders resorted to asking multiple people for updates and sorting through documents. “We just wanted a single view to click and understand exactly where we are,” says Tom.
- Consistent data: “We did struggle with continuity between projects, because a lot of the information was in people's heads,” Tom says. “I always use the analogy of, ‘If something dramatic happened to me, how on earth would somebody pick up the projects that I was working on?’”
- Accountability: There was no clear view of all ongoing tasks and projects, which led to delays and details dropped. “There was no way of tying it all back to individuals or helping people stay accountable,” explains Kat.
- Finding the perfect fit: Some softwares worked well for project management team members, but that didn’t mean other stakeholders wanted to use them — especially with varying levels of comfort with technology.
“We were struggling to find something that was a one-size-fits all. We also didn’t want a cumbersome way of managing lots of different systems, or anything extremely heavy on licensing, support, etc.” says Kat.