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Scrum methodology

Product development life cycle
How Scrum of Scrums Enhances CrossTeam Collaborations
Product development life cycle

How Scrum of Scrums Enhances Cross-Team Collaborations

To remain competitive in today’s growing market, companies must be able to adapt at the enterprise level. Approaches to this include changing attitudes to view... | 7 min read

Project management
Intro to Large Scale Scrum LeSS
Project management

Intro to Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)

Originally created in 1995 for software developers, the Scrum framework and underlying Agile principles have seeped into countless industries and businesses. But because... | 8 min read

Product development life cycle
Scrum at scale a simple guide
Product development life cycle

Scrum at scale: a simple guide

Agile methodology has taken the business world by storm in the past few years—and for a good reason. It’s an incredibly effective way to manage projects and...

Zoe Averbuch | 8 min read

Product development life cycle
Agile vs Scrum Unpacking their differences
Product development life cycle

Agile vs. Scrum: Unpacking their differences

Agile and Scrum are so often mentioned together that some people don’t know there’s a difference. While these two concepts popular in the world of software...

Danielle Tawfik | 13 min read

Product development life cycle
What is a Scrum Master A guide to the role
Product development life cycle

What is a Scrum Master? A guide to the role

If you’re working in the field of product development or project management, you have have noticed the term scrum master. Based on the name, it makes sense that...

Rebecca Wojno | 7 min read

Product development life cycle
The 4 Scrum ceremonies you need to bring structure to your project
Product development life cycle

The 4 Scrum ceremonies you need to bring structure to...

Sadly, a Scrum ceremony isn’t an ornate presentation that happens after a particularly effective headlock in the British sport of rugby. More’s the pity. In all... | 10 min read

Project management
Scrum methodology how to get started in your next project
Project management

Scrum methodology: how to get started in your next...

Just like successful athletes learn by doing, so do corporate teams. If you’re going to be a star on the field or in the boardroom, you have to practice, and learn as... | 13 min read

Product development life cycle
Lean vs Scrum whats the difference
Product development life cycle

Lean vs. Scrum: what’s the difference?

With Agile, Lean, and Scrum trending hard, chances are you’ve at least heard the different terms before. But can you explain the difference? Do you even understand it?... | 7 min read