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Restore previous dashboards, enhanced dependency columns, and more!

Adi Pick 2 min read
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As the leaves turn their autumn shades and September draws to a close (finally!), our diligent team of developers have done it again: added incredible new features you only dreamed of, or perhaps didn’t know you needed. Check them out!

  • Dashboards added to recycle bin

Restore previously recycled dashboards.

  • Dependency column enhancements

More automations for dependencies to make your life a little less tedious.

  • Quick add columns tailored to each industry

No more of the same quick column suggestions for everyone!

Added Dashboards to recycle bin

Ever deleted a dashboard you wish you hadn’t? Have no fear, recyclable dashboards are finally here! Now dashboards are added to the recycle-bin whenever a user deletes them, so they’re no longer permanently deleted. Easily restore deleted dashboards from the past 30 days, so you can reduce, reuse, and recycle your previous brilliant ideas and dashboards!

Restore previous dashboards, enhanced dependency columns, and more!

Dependency column enhancements

When adding a new dependency—an item or task that relies on another item or task— the following screen will appear:

Restore previous dashboards, enhanced dependency columns, and more!

Once a date or timeline column is connected, behind the scenes, an automation is already being created! We have also changed the default column name from “Dependency” to “Dependent On,” and added a default description to the column when it’s added to share more info about how it can be used, for your convenience.

Restore previous dashboards, enhanced dependency columns, and more!

Quick add columns tailored to each industry

Since not all boards are created equal, their quick add columns shouldn’t be either. From here on out, boards will have different quick add column suggestions depending on their industry such as project management, real estate, etc. so you can make your dream board even faster! It’s as if our developers knew exactly what you needed…

Restore previous dashboards, enhanced dependency columns, and more!

In case you wanted to know what else our developers have planned for you, and have missed the North American and European versions of our incredible Elevate no limits conference, register for our online conference now for the next batch, coming to a Zoom room near you on October 14!

Raised in Vancouver, Adi can now be found in sunny Tel Aviv trying to find the best slice of pizza on this side of the Mediterranean while trying to maintain the stereotype of Canadian politeness, eh?
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