Workplace trends
Companies are cracking down on fake busywork
From mouse and keyboard jigglers to looped video backgrounds, employees have devised creative hacks to feign productivity when working from home. But companies are cracking down on these workarounds, as exemplified by Wells Fargo’s recent firing of over a dozen employees for simulating keyboard activity. While the company didn’t disclose its detection methods, the use of electronic worker surveillance systems is becoming increasingly common, with 50% of larger companies implementing them in 2023, according to Gartner. As worker hacks grow more sophisticated, so do surveillance tools, with some employing machine-learning algorithms to identify repetitive cursor movements and irregular computer activity patterns. Though there is no legal issue with employers using tracking tools, experts warn that too much monitoring may backfire. In fact, a recent Glassdoor survey found that 41% of workers say they’re less productive when their work devices are tracked.
Foreign investors are hungry for Nigeria’s food delivery industry
The Nigerian food delivery industry is experiencing rapid growth, attracting foreign investors and homegrown startups backed by leading startup accelerators. These companies are competing to serve the country with the largest population in Africa, which spends an average of 60% of their income on food. The market is also expected to more than double to $2.4 billion over the next eight years, according to IMARC Group. Experts say the industry’s expansion is driven by a growing population, changing consumer habits accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and greater internet access and usage among the younger generation. Despite concerns about the country’s inflation, which stands at a three-decade high of nearly 34%, investors are betting on Nigeria’s youth to continue reshaping the country’s food service landscape in the coming years.
The AI corner
Consultants are cashing in on corporate AI anxiety
As many businesses continue to try and effectively adopt AI technology in their workplaces, consulting firms are capitalizing on their role as guides in the emerging AI landscape. IBM alone has garnered over $1 billion in generative AI consulting commitments, while Accenture secured $300 million in generative AI sales last year. The surge in demand includes companies looking for regulatory compliance advice and practical AI applications, driving the U.S. management consulting industry towards projected sales of $392.2 billion this year – a 2% increase from the previous year. This trend places consulting firms with AI expertise at the forefront of how businesses will harness this transformative technology in the future.
Educational chatbots aren’t exactly acing school
Los Angeles’ $6 million investment in Ed, an AI platform touted as a revolutionary force in education, crumbled within months of its launch. AllHere, the company behind Ed, let go of most of its staff and lost its CEO just two months after the platform’s introduction to the schools, cryptically citing its “current financial position” for their fate. This failure highlights the significant risks associated with investing public funds in untested AI technology, especially for children’s education. Key concerns include chatbot accuracy, student data privacy, and the potential for misinformation among a vulnerable population. AI experts are labeling the Ed debacle a cautionary tale for school districts nationwide, which spend billions annually on educational technology.
Taking time off to drive productivity
Remember the days when you were a student, and that meant you got seasonal breaks to rest and recharge?
Ah, to be young. Aside from the occasional government holiday, for most employees, getting a chunk of time away from work requires using vacation days.
The problem? Though organizations are required to offer employees paid time off (PTO) each year, not everyone feels comfortable taking it. Nearly 50% of U.S. workers who receive PTO from their employer – whether for vacation, doctor’s appointments, or minor illnesses – take fewer days off than they are offered, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey. And on top of not using all of their PTO, roughly half still find themselves working on their vacation days.
Between being part of an environment that doesn’t encourage taking time off when needed, to feeling guilty about leaving work behind for coworkers, to trying to save PTO days for emergencies, most employees have a list of reasons why they’re not taking advantage of their paid vacation days.
But when we don’t take time to rest and recover, we risk burnout. And there’s nothing less productive, and frankly costly, than a burnt-out workforce.
So, as a leader, how can you encourage your employees to take time for themselves in order to maximize efficiency?
Address the topic in group settings
When you talk about planning time off in front of your whole team, it instantly makes the concept feel more openly accepted. So, in your next group meeting, leave time at the end to discuss the topic and emphasize the importance of taking vacations. Let your employees know that you recognize their hard work and want to make sure they feel comfortable taking time for themselves when they need it.
Actively check in
In the next few weeks, set aside some time to review each of your employees’ available vacation days and keep an eye out for anyone who hasn’t taken time off in a while. Then, allot time in your next one-on-one sync to check in. Emphasize that you support them taking time off to recharge, and create space for them to share why they aren’t using their vacation days in order to effectively address the root of the problem. For example, if your team member feels like there’s no one on the team they trust to step in while they’re gone, build an action plan together for them to train another team member on their duties. This way, your employee can feel more comfortable stepping away when they need some time to disconnect, and you can demonstrate that you are here to help them do so.
Set up a vacation calendar
Putting together a vacation calendar is a great way to give your team members the flexibility needed to plan ahead and ensure there aren’t too many people taking off at the same time. Additionally, it can offer some inspiration, because when people see their teammates planning time away, they’ll likely be more comfortable taking time off for themselves.
And remember, there’s no need to ask employees to list where they are going on this calendar because a relaxing staycation is a perfectly acceptable way to spend time off. Keep it simple, and use this shared calendar to align schedules and send the right message to your team. For a useful time off calendar template, click here.
Help them prepare
When things at work are under control, it’s much easier for your team members to allow themselves to unplug and actually disconnect on their days off. So, encourage your employees to schedule time with you before an upcoming vacation to walk through all of their tasks together and prioritize their workload. Additionally, ask them to identify relevant teammates who can serve as a point of contact for each of their projects while they’re gone to ensure everyone is adequately prepared and no one needs to disturb them during their time off. This allows them to leave feeling confident about where everything stands.
Respect boundaries
As a manager, it’s your responsibility to let your employees disconnect. If you’re contacting them after hours or while they’re away, they’ll feel pressure to respond. So, make an active effort to avoid reaching out to them while they’re off unless it’s absolutely urgent. When you make it clear that you don’t expect to hear from them when they’re not working, you can help them effectively unplug and recharge.
Lead by example
When you manage a team, you set the tone for what’s considered appropriate work behavior. That means if you make yourself completely available during a vacation, your employees will feel pressure to do the same. So, try to set a healthy standard and allow yourself to really unplug when you’re out of office. A great way to do this is by designating a trusted team member as the point of contact while you’re gone, and giving them your personal phone number so that they can determine if something needs to escalate to you. In case of something urgent, they can reach you directly by phone, so you won’t need to check work messages during your time off.
Water cooler chatter
In 2030, the Danish government is going to tax cows passing gas – 120 Danish kroner (~US $17) per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted from each cow. And with a typical Danish cow producing 6 metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year, the average charge per cow will be more than $100 per year. Given that cows are significant contributors to methane emissions, this first-of-its-kind law aims to drastically reduce the country’s carbon emissions.
The NBA may witness its first-ever father-son duo playing simultaneously. The Los Angeles Lakers have selected Bronny James, LeBron James’ eldest son, in the second round of the 2024 NBA Draft. What’s left is to see whether LeBron opts into the final year of his Lakers contract, setting the stage for an unprecedented family affair on the court.
Just for laughs

Quiet quitting loudly
Question of the week
Last week’s answer: 90%
This week’s question: On average, how much less have women saved by the time they retire, compared to men?

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