Whether you push your leads out to your sales reps or allow them to pull the leads from your system, one thing is certain; it’s horribly easy for a lead to be mismanaged.
With the lead management template, you can instantly see if a sales rep has taken, or been allocated a lead but not followed it up. Not only does this make lead management more straightforward, but it also promotes transparency and accountability for every member of your team.
Viewing the leads won or lost gives an instant snapshot of the performance of individual team members. If you have a rep who erroneously believes they are pulling their weight, you can get together with them and view their leads in the won and lost groups. The clear and simple layout of the template not only makes it easy to use and view, but it also makes the data difficult to argue with.
Export this template to Excel with just one click; Also, Import your Excel spreadsheet easily - turn it into a beautiful monday.com board in just a few steps.
Keep a clear record of who last touched base with a lead, how contact was made, and the results of that interaction. With the contact details of the lead included in the template, it is quick and simple for anyone to follow-up.
You can relegate leads that did not pan out, to the “lost” group in the template. This enables you to stay in touch and maintain a relationship with potential leads, thus ensuring you will be that person they turn too should their situation change.