listing page design tab

App listing design

Use your app listing page to show potential users the value of your app. Include information on the key features alongside the value that those features will bring to users’ workflows.
App icon
Your app icon is your first opportunity to communicate your app’s purpose.
  • Embrace simplicity: Find a single element that captures the essence of your app and express it in a simple, unique shape. Avoid complex and small details.
  • Make it recognizable: Users should be able to figure out what your icon represents in a glance.
  • Background color: You set the background color of your icon in the developers section.
  • Place your icon on the background: The system lets you adjust the size and crop if needed so your icon will sit on top of the app background.
App icon
App gallery images
Create 3-5 images that highlight the key benefits of your app.
  • Format: Include a brief benefit statement and a zoomed in screenshot of a part of your app, not just your product.
  • Size: 1920 px by 960 px
  • Supported formats: JPG, PNG
  • Best practices: Reflect the brand and identity of your app, combine cropped, focused, or layered screenshots with text, and use text to highlight the benefits of your app or to walk through features.
app gallery images
App gallery video
Demonstrate your app’s features, functionality, and user interface of your app with this video. Videos help boost install rates.
  • Length: 30-60 seconds
  • Focus: The key benefits of your app – make sure your video is about your app and the value of using your app and together.
  • Framing: Select a visually compelling thumbnail for your video to convey the essence of the app.
  • Quality: HD, 4K
  • Size: 50Mb max.
  • Supported formats: MP4
App gallery video
App card image
Create 1 image that highlights the key benefits of your app.
  • Size: 592 px by 348 px
  • Format: Include a brief benefit statement and a zoomed in screenshot of part of your app.
  • Best practices: Reflect the brand and identity of your app and combine cropped, focused, or layered screenshots with text. You can use a simple version of your app gallery image artwork.
  • Supported formats: JPG, PNG
App gallery image
app design tab

Vibe design kit

Access our design guidelines, component documentation, and resources for building apps with’s design system. All components are based on four key principles: clarity, speed & reliability, intuitive path, and delightful experience.
content tab

App listing text

There are three key descriptions on your app listing page: short, long, and feature. These guidelines walk you through best practices for writing each one effectively and concisely.
Short description
This description appears on your app card so users see it as they browse the app store.
  • Briefly explain what the app is and what it does in one line. For example: Send, sign, and store all your documents directly on your board.
  • Clearly state how the app will bring direct value to users. For example: Instantly get your documents signed.
  • Keep the description under the maximum character count of 100 characters.

  • Helpful hint: The short description is your chance to capture user attention, so keep it engaging and short.
Short description
Long description
This description appears on your app’s listing page below the main video/photo carousel.
  • Write 2-3 short paragraphs about what customers will get out of the app: benefits, problems solved, potential results, etc.
  • Include specific examples or use cases to help users understand how they can use the app.
  • Tailor your description to users. Consider how they’ll use the app from inside
  • Format the text in a user-friendly way using line breaks or bulleted lists where relevant.

  • Here’s a sample template you can use:
  • Paragraph 1: Tee up the key benefit of your app, the problem you solve, and the core use case or example.
  • Paragraph 2: Delve into additional benefits and/or use cases, and provide more context on your own product or service.
  • Paragraph 3: Include a sentence that links to a page where users can find more details like your help doc or landing page for the app.
Long description
Feature description
This description appears under the “Works with” section.
  • Outline what customers will gain from each feature in the app and what they do.
  • Write a different description for each feature and keep each description under the maximum character count of 70 characters.
  • Include the name of the app in the title, but give the feature a new name. For example: ‘[App name] Item’ or ‘[App name] Board’.

Helpful hint: Write action-based descriptions using active verbs like add, implement, create, update, vizualise, etc.
Feature description
Pricing plans
  • Use round prices or numbers that end with 9 whenever possible. For example: $9, $10, $19, $20.
  • Give each pricing plan a name that outlines the main benefit of the plan. For example, you can name the plans based on team size: Individual, Team, Enterprise
  • Use bullet points to show the main features included in each plan.
Pricing plans

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